part 11 - Moving Day !?

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Dixie's pov:

Today's the day. I'm moving.

Sorry, I'm making it sound way more dramatic than it should be. But I'm moving. Moving into the hospital and I don't know. I'm not scared as such, more.... I don't really know actually.

I've met all of my staff. My main doctor my food server my medical oncologist, my- well you get what I'm saying. I've met all of my helper staff people. And luckily for me they are all actually very nice. Like VERY nice.

It's the 11th of September today, so i -sadly- still have to wait about 2 and a half months until noah comes back home. Which, yea its annoying like 100% but there's only one thing I can do about it. Ask him to come back. But I don't want to. I want him to enjoy college, I want him to not worry about me, I want him to be happy. And anyway I can still see him everyday. Just... not in person. But that's alright. I can still see him.

4 hours later.
I'm at the hospital now, I arrived 2 hours ago. I've unpacked everything and put it into my room, which didn't take as long as I thought actually.

My room has a baby blue feature wall behind my bed, with the other walls as white, fairy lights on the ceiling above me, a small double bed, with bars on the side so I don't fall out, my oxygen tank to the right of me which has like medicine and water and stuff on it. My dresser, which doesn't have that much in. A chest of drawers for my more important and daily medication. And some plants in the corner, with a sofa for people who come to visit. Oh and a TV of course.

If I'm completely honest, this room looks better than my room at home. I mean if you took away the medicine and stuff

2 hours later
On call

N- hi baby
D- hiii
N- how are you, do you feel alright-
D- mhm I moved to the hospital today
N- oh yeah, how is that, is it alright
D- ummm yeah. It's...odd,but I'll get used to it
N- yea, but you have to remember it's to make you feel better, and make you get well soon
D- yea I know.
N- do your lungs feel OK
D- umm I mean I think so, I mean I can't really feel anything
N- well thats good.... is that good?
D- yes, yes Noah thats good
N -ok I thought s-
B (blake)- Noah come on we have to go
N- blake just wait 2 minutes ok
B- no noah we have to go, you can call your girlfriend later
N- ok fine. I have to go baby I'm going out for dinner. Can you call later.
D- no..
N- what why-
D- I just can't ok Noah. I hope Blake enjoys himself at dinner.
N- Dix. Dix bab-
*Dixie hangs up*

Noah's pov:1
"Your a fucking idiot you are blake. An idiot."
"What do you fucking mean, I don't want to be late for this dinner. Its with our friends, I didn't think you would want to miss it either. " "No blake i don't want to miss it. But we don't need to be 40 mother fucking minutes early. I was talking to my Girlfriemd blake. I was talking to Dixie. "I don't care who you were talking to if I'm.honest. I just wanted to get to dinner. And I still do. Come on man she's fine. She WILL be fine. Just calm down and call her another time.. you came to college to have fun right? Not to be caring about your annoying bratty little girlfrien-" "SHUT UP. SHUT . UP. NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK BLAKE. DIXIE HAS FUCKING CANCER, AND AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED SHES GONNA BE DEAD IN A MATTER OF YEARS. ESPECIALLY IF I DON'T TALK TO HER CAUSE I WOULD RATHER BE 40 MINUTES EARLY TO SOME STUPID DINNER WITH FRIENDS. NOT EVEN FRIENDS, ITS PEOPLE IVE KNOWN FOR LESS THAN 2 MONTHS. THEY'RE PRACTICALLY STRANGERS BLAKE. STRANGERS OK. MY FRIENDS ARE PEOPLE LIKE MY SISTERS. DIXIE, CHARLI, CURTIS. EVEN CALI AND SCOUT ARE MORE  LIKE FRIENDS, AND THEYRE DOGS BLAKE. DOGS. I WOULD EVEN CONSIDER  YOU TO BE A FRIEND. OK, SO DON'T EVER SAY MY LIFE IS EASY, AND THAT I SHOULD JUST 'STOP WORRYING  ABOUT DIXIE'. CAUSE IM NOT FUCKING GOING TO. ANYTIME I SPEAK TO HER COULD BE THE LAST TIME I DO, AND SO THE LAST THING I NEED IS SOME ANNOYING BOY, WHO THINKS HE KNOWS EVERYTHING, AND THINKS HE IS BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE, TELLING ME THAT I SHOULD STOP CARING ABOUT MY 'ANNOYING' GIRLFRIEND. its a load of crap that is, complete and utter crap. "Noah man, im sorry I didn't know" "I know blake. I can tell.... its alright" "No. No its not. Its not ok at all, I just assumed something, when infact the complete opposite was happening. Dixie has fucking cancer. She is the nicest girl I think I have ever met, and I have just called her an annoying brat." "Blake stop. I know you didn't mean it ok" "OK fine. But only it you ring her..I will only feel un-guilty if you call her again." "OK sure  and un-guilty isn't a word." "OK ok ha ha now ring her" "OK ok calm down"

*noah rings dixie 4 times*

"God why won't she fricking pick up. I only called her 5 minutes ago" "try your mom or something, she'll pick up" "yea sure"

*noah rings amy*

A(amy)- hi noah, how are you
N- I good mom, I was just wondering I rang Dix about 10 minutes ago, and now she won't pick up, do you know where she is
A- she is having her MRI scan. She'll be back in about 2 hou- wait she didn't tell you?
N- no she didn't, but Blake here probably stopped her by making her hang up. Didn't you blake.
B-oh come on man you know I didn't mean to
N- don't worry I'm just messing.
A- ok noah so do you want me to call you when she is out
N- yes please, that would be great.
A-ok then I'll leave you guys to it. Have a good dinner. Bye noah, bye blake
B-bye Mrs B
N- bye mom, I love you
A- I love you to, bye sweetie

*noah hangs up*

"OK now we can go to dinner. Come on no." "Alright im coming"

Sorry for taking a long time to update, but it was my birthday, and I had very little time to update. I will try to have more done soon.
Thank you for reading, and if you could vote, that would be great.

    ~word count 1,143 words ~

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