Clingy (Levi x hyper reader)

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Update: this sucks i'm sorry it was 2021 okay!😭😞

"Levi?! LEVIATHAN!! Where are you..?"

I search through all the bushes, Behind the stones. Running past all the trees, In the dark
Trying to find my beloved boyfriend.


I heard noise, It comes from behind a very big tree. I walked softly towards it, And then I saw my 'boyfriend'... Kissing another demon girl.

"What the hell? Levi!" I screamed at him.

He started laughing like a maniac, He ran at me with his demon form. And... killed me..?

"AHHH!!" I screamed awake, I sat straight up in bed. Sweat drops down my head, Quick breaths. "Is Levi really going to do this to me?" All kinds of things went through my head, It's now two o'clock in the middle of the night. I have a bad feeling in my stomach, I have to go to Levi. I want to be with him, without thinking. I walk out of my room on my way to my boyfriend's room, I knocked on the door. But no answer, Oh no.. I started to scare myself. Through a stupid nightmare, luckily the door opened after a minute.

"Y/n? It's two o'clock in the middle of the night, Why are you still awake?" Levi asked me.

"Can i sleep in your room tonight?" I asked him, he stood there. Before slowly nodding.

First night in his room cuz of a nightmare.


"Levi!! It's my turn to use the ninatento? Or that human game!" Mammon begged levi, as i sat down next to him.

"it's an nintendo, And besides if you didn't throw away my RPGs! i wouldn't have to use this boring human game." Levi said, Playing animal crossing.

I relaxed, until I start thinking again about my nightmare I had last night. I started laying my head on Levi's shoulder, my leg over his. And my arms went around his waist. Levi's cheeks warmed and Mammon sat watching with wide eyes.

"What Are You Clingy In Today! Did Levi do anything to you yesterday? Please say yes! Because then I can sue him to Lucifer, And then I can finally go on that Human Plaything!" Mammon smiled.

Levi rolled his eyes.


"And here's your ice cream, For the handsome young man" An old woman said, After I had my ice cream. I was on my way to Levi, But when I came back. Was he sitting next to a girl, chatting? WITH A SMILE?!

I walked towards them, so fast I wasn't paying attention. I ran into a pole, which made me drop my ice cream. (True ;^) I looked down and frowned. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Do you want mine? I did licked already so i hope you don't have fear of contamination." Levi smiled, i nodded and took the ice scream.

Wait this is perfect, so I can make levi even closer. "Do you want to share?"

he started to blush, And I smiled. The girl sighed and walked away, Perfect!


I was alone in my room now, doing my homework on RAD, and I was having a hard time with it. I decided to ask Levi, How romantic is that?! I run downstairs looking for Levi and he was sitting exhausted on the couch in the living room, I plopped down next to him and smiled.

"Hello Levi~ can you help me? With my RAD homework!" I smiled at him and he sighs.

He was on his way to his room, When I took their hand. He immediately yanked his hand out of mine.

"Y/n what's wrong with you today? You're so clingy! It's annoying, just like you. You don't even let me go out with other girls, not even my own brothers!" Levi stormed out of the living room.

I was about to cry until Diavolo came in. He looked at me and immediately ran towards me. "Y/n? what happened?" He asked me.

"Levi is mad at me.." i said to him, and he simply nodded.



"Because I was clingy today! I had a dream last night, or a dream? a nightmare! Levi was kissing someone else. And right when he saw me he attacked me in his demon form. I was afraid my nightmare would come true.. That's why I was so clingy today, But now he's mad at me!" I looked down. "And i know it's my fault, i was being stupid." I stood up.

"Bye Diavolo, I am going to my room." I smiled.

"But dinner is soon?" He asked, and i smiled leaving the room.


"Where's Y/n?" Levi asked his oldest brother.

"She said she wanna stay in her room, Something is bothering her." Lucifer said

Levi looked down at his food, not knowing what to say.

After dinner Levi immediately stood up, walking upstairs knocking on door..


"Y/n i know you're in there, c'mon shorty open the door pleaseee..?" He begged sadly.

I stayed still, wondering what he would do.

"Y/n, i'm sorry for being such an ass to you. I'll make it up to you love"

I finally opened the door, He walked in and locked the door after us. He pulled me into a big hug.

"I'm sorry love.. But you were so clingy today... what was the reason?" He asked looking down at me.

"I.. I had a nightmare with you in it cheating on me.." i pouted

He frowned, but turned in a smile fast. "I could never and i mean NEVER cheat on you, not even with an anime character or demon! You're everything to me, even if you're a human a normie. I still freaking love you" He blushed.

"I love you too, sorry for thinking like that.." I smiled sadly, he nodded. "It's fine." He smiled at me.

He kissed me and asked. "You wanna watch anime?" He smiled.

"You bet"


I hope it's good 2 post in one day!>:)

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