Yandere| Lucifer

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It's been a while, a year of two exactly. Since you have stayed at the house of lamentation, you have decorated your room already and the demon brothers were actually becoming family. And as the sister of Solomon you were quite loved, but somehow everyone is a bit scared to taste your food aswell. Which is disappointing.

Today you got called to Lucifer's 'office'. On your way there you noticed some students looking your way, whispering to eachother. Being completely blank minded you had no idea what was going on. When you entered the office you didn't only saw Lucifer but Solomon also.

"Hey, Mc." Solomon smiled your way, you nodded and gave him a small hello back. As you walked further into the office, you noticed some papers with pictures on it. With you on it.

Lucifer had noticed your gaze to the papers and sighed standing up. "It seems like you have someone following you, are you aware of that?" He asked, his serious face was staring down at you.

You shook your head no. "Absolutely not." You said as lucifer hummed. Solomon seemed worried about you and rest his hand on your shoulder.

"It's going to be okay, we are going to solve this." He smiled gently at you. He quickly took a picture of the papers before walking out to do more research.

Now it was just you and lucifer in the room. There was an awkward silent before you finally spoke up to him. "So.. what now? I mean surely it wouldn't do any harm."

Lucifer's cold stare pierced right through your eyes. "No harm you say? If you think so. I will find out who it is, have no worry Mc." He sounded so sure. This was all confusing.

Way to start the day..

After school ended you went back to the house of lamention, ready to get in yourself into comfy clothes again. "Hello Mc." Beel smiled while yewing on some food.

"Hello Beel, have you seen leviathan?" You asked smiling. Beel nodded and pointed to the ceiling, meaning; his room... ofcourse why wouldn't he be there?

"Thanks." You walked to his room and knocked, waiting for a response. "Levi?" You waited once again and after some minutes the door opened.

You noticed levi sitting under a blanket immediately playing some games, as you stood next to him he flinched a little. "Mc?! What are you doing here who let you in??" He asked jumpy

Confused.. you turned to the door and noticed henry swimming in his bowl, you shrugged. "Anyways, since you're so good with online things and anything.. do you mind searching for this account and hacking?" You asked showing him the pictures of the papers Lucifer and Solomon showed you.

"Sure, easy peasy." Leviathan said proudly before going in whole hacking modes, after twenty minutes he finally got in and his eyes widens slightly. "Uhh.." he mutters.

You stared at him. "What? Who is it?"

"No one..?" He smiled nervously, liar. "I can't find anything maybe you should ask someone else."

With a sigh you left his room, walking to the halls. "Mc, what has gotten you so down today?" A hoarse voice spoke behind you, you turned around and met dark red eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? Sorry, I'm just a bit overwhelmed by all this. Having someone taking pictures of you all day. It's creepy." You made a gag sound showing it was creepy and disgusting behavior. Lucifer didn't seem to pay any attention to it, strange enough.

Lucifer clicked his tongue. "We'll find the person sooner or later, I can assure you that. If you still don't feel well safe you can stay in my room?" He showed a small smark which sended a small tingle in your chest. What was that?

"Thanks for your help lucifer." You smiled kindly, as he showed a small smile back. It all felt so strange.

Once you arrived in your room you still could feel eyes all staring at you. It was creeping you out. Maybe the stalker hung cameras all over your place?! What if he was watching you right now..

You closed your eyes letting the tiredness wash over your as you fell asleep, though you felt your blanket getting pulled more over you to get you warmer. You tried to wake up but nothing. Maybe it was all just a dream driving you insane?

The next morning came as you slowly woke up, blankets wrapping you up. You were laying in bed like a burrito, you got up and looked around. "This is getting out of hand, there's nothing to get all worked up. Mc.. just stay calm you are in a house full of demons what can go wrong?" You asked yourself before getting quiet. "Let me rephrase that.. you're in a house full with protective man." You sighed.

"Wakey wakeyyyy." Mammon barged in, he seemed proud today as he walked in confidently with his hands on his hips. "Guess who got salary's today?"

You chuckles. "All your brothers except you? Who would've thought.."

Mammon glared at you, before smirking. "No missy, me! I got salary today! I worked at hell's kitchen for a month, which was painful. You should feel bad for the poor mammon. But I made $250,00! In a month!! I'm gonna work sum more." You smiled at him

"That's great now you can finally help the others pay rent." Once those words left your mouth mammon's smile faded instantly as he mutters.

"Damn it."

You pet his head before standing up leaving the room, mammon quickly followed you. "Wait holddup! Lucifer wanted to speak to you in his room. Don't let that old man wait for ya."

You nodded before walking to his room, knocking three times. As you heard a small 'come in' you opened the door seeing lucifer sitting at his desk. You walked up to him as he turned to you softly.

"I have found out who has been stalking you." He spoke gently yet..dangerously?
"It was someone from RAD." You did not expect that.. your first suspicion would be lucifer himself, no idea or reason why. You felt bad and quilty for thinking that. "He has been taken care of."

"What did diavolo made him do? Putting him in demon jail." You laughed quietly as lucifer silenced you with his sharp glare.

"No, I took care of this all by myself. I found the guy, and slowly slithed his throat as he choked on his own blood. Leaving him limp on the bloody ground as I made some wild animals eat him up." He said, your smile faded which made him chuckle. "I'm joking, it's not like me huh?" He wasn't joking at all.

He walked up to you as his fingers trailed your chin, jawline and to your lips. His leaned closer as he warm breath was hitting your neck. "I keep you safe.." he whispered in such a gently way yet so much obsession was visible. His lips touched your earlobe. "You're mine, Mc. I can promise you that." He kissed your cheek, as his face darkened a devilish cruel smirk appeard. "All mine."

Ayo.. I'm alive? And I posted? 😨 I really had to find motivation but I found it. After a half year sorry 🙌🏼 but I was so busy with school and since it's my last year I'm extremely tired and have lots of homework;( luckily it's getting better!!

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