The truth- demon brothers

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Mc= she/her

It all went back to celestial realm, the war. Spears were thrown at the angels that didn't deserve it. Yet got killed because they protected a certain angel called lilith, the sister of the 7 brothers. Who were angels back there. She had stolen something very dear to the celestial realm. Something that was unacceptable, war begun. It was fighting for life.

Lilith had a younger sister, way younger than her and the rest of the brothers. Named.. Mc. She loved her brothers and sister very much, but somehow always felt forgotten. Lilith was like their only priority, always proud of her, always complementing her, always.. Lilith this, Lilith that.

Once the blood splashes everywhere and lilith loses her vision, she smiled up at Mc. And with her last words. "Once the new star shines, please keep on remembering me. Because I know ome day they will all forget me." Lilith loses her wings falling through the sky.

Since the brother's and Mc arrived in the devildom, everyone seemed distant at first. But as the years passed they got used to being a demon and become 7 powerful demons. Mc on the other hand wasn't used to the devildom at all, she hated it. She missed the angels, Michael, the place it's self.

The food was disgusting, the demons were rude and unfunny. The place was dark, the place had no son and she hated that since she absolutely loved the son and the clouds. It was all taken away by her..Lilith. And just because the brothers helped her, Mc also got paid the price.

"Mc? Are you even listening, Diavolo just told us a very important event for RAD. I assume you listened." Lucifer's face darkened as he glared with his cold staring eyes, Mc quickly realized where she was and saw everyone looking at her.

Mc sighed as she looked back at Lucifer. "I'll apologize, I haven't listening I was very distracted." She mutters, diavolo seemed worried while lucifer got a bit angry at that.

As Diavolo continued talking about this new event at RAD, her mind flew the other away again. How her beautiful wings grew as she got older back there, from a small angel to a teenage angel to.. a demon. Is Mc really starting to blame Lilith for this? Or her brothers.

Lucifer slammed his fists on the table as he looked at Mc. "What's going on? Why are you so distracted lately? I'm sick of it." He spoke harshly, Belphegor seemed surprised by his sudden outburst as Beel immediately got defensive towards her.

"Lucifer, calm down. It must be something private or.. a girls thing?" Beel spoke awkwardly as he didnt know how to continue his words. Mammon frowned and seemed a bit concerned about Mc.

Mc was quiet, she felt her blood boiling at the way he spoke to her. He never did that, Lucifer used to be kind, everyone used to be kind. "It's her fault. It's lilith fault!" She slammed her hands on the table and stood up gritting her teeth.

"So.. we're slamming our hands now..?" Leviathan asked tryin to bring up the mood as everyone seemed to glare at him, he gulped and sinked back into his seat.

"What for useless thing are you talking about Mc, are you actually blaming our dead sister for this? Are you that pathetic." Lucifer mutters. Getting ready to turn in his form, no one speaks to him that way about his 'sister.'

Mc seemed sad, hurt and betrayed but she felt angry and hatred. "I was never your sister to begin with right? Even back in the celestial realm, you all ignored me." She spoke hardly, not to just lucifer but to everyone. "It was always Lilith before me, Lilith first. I was just there. She first run off to the human world which was already unacceptable. But you kept her covered, Lucifer, Belphegor and beel.. But then she stole something dear." She whispered the last bit, that was the start of the war.

"You all fighted for her, even tho innocent dropped dead. I almost got killed but you all didn't give a single fuck. I didn't fight, I'm not going to betray my realm. But look where we are, we I am. I don't belong here. You all do for betraying our home." With those last words she walked away, leaving everyone speechless.

Lucifer's face dropped, for the first time he actually seemed hurt. Mammon gritted his teeth as tears fell down his cheeks. "She's right.." mammon mutters. "We never looked her way, and we always fighted for Lilith. She doesn't deserve to be here."

"Bullshit." Asmo spat, everyone eyes widens. Asm cursed? "Mc loved Lilith dearly. They always spend time together, She just can't act like that out of nowhere. She doesn't have the right. I'm sure Mc fighted for lilith.. it's her sister also."

The twins looked at eachother and frowned deeply. "I've.. never seen her fight due the war. I don't believe she did." Beel spoke quietly he hated seeing his little sister in pain.

Lucifer seemed quiet the bomb that suddenly felt was something he hadn't felt in.. ages. Diavolo cleared his throat and dismissed the meeting, making an appointment for a other time. The brothers left the castle on their way back to the house of lamention.


Once the brother arrived, something happened.. someone happened. Lucifer's eyes widens.

Why is michael standing there with Mc..

"What's going on?" Satan asked curiously yet very serious. He never got to meet michael but due the story's he knew anyways.

As the brothers gathered around Michael and Mc, Lucifer seemed to have lots of thoughts which Mc broke through. "I'm leaving, I convinced Michael. Michael trusted me, he believed me, he cared for me. He gave me a second chance. Wanna know why? He didn't saw me as your sister, Lucifer."

Tears filt up mammon eyes when she spoke, this time he felt betrayed. "You can't be fucking seriously right now mc.. you cannot just leave."

"Mammon's right, we already lost a sister we can't lose another.. Please." Belphegor begged, his face full anxiousness. He saw his sister die, he can't see his other sister leave me too.


Everyone eyes widens, including michael and Mc. Lucifer glared and seemed unhappy.
"You wanna go ruin everyones life? Go ahead. I hope you live with the quilt once you get your wings back. Just remember we always saw you, not just Lilith. You.. Mc. You are our sister and we love you. But right now, you're gonna make a huge mistake."  He said loud and clear.

Mc was quiet, looking at her brothers before looking at michael who was exchanging his hand for her to grab.

Was she going to?

Will she actually leave her brothers..?

Lose more siblings..?

She grabbed michael's hand, and immediately sended her back to the celestial realm without letting her say goodbye. Michael loved the brothers and Mc. He didn't want to see everyone break down. With that Michael gave the brothers a small smile before leaving.

The twins were crying on the ground holding eachother, mammon was mad at Lucifer but mostly himself he was blaming himself. Leviathan and Satan were standing there looking at a Empty lucifer. Lucifer was quiet and started muttering things before looking at his brothers.

"She made her choice." Lucifer spoke before walking into the housr leaving them alone, Asmo was about to follow him but was held back by Satan.

"As much as I hate him, let's just leave him alone." Satan told asmo, who knew Satan deeply cared about Lucifer from inside.

Mammon looks up tiredly. "I hope she comes back.."

"She will"

Wish me luck😞

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