Jealousy (Beel x reader)

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F/n1 : friend's name 1
F/n2 : friend's name 2

You didn't get out of bed so well today, you barely slept. When you went to the living room, Lucifer was looking at you happily. Which is a surprise, by the way, there's probably something going on. Or he wants something from me.

"Good morning y/n, I have a surprise for you. Today two friends of yours come. I was able to take them to the underworld, For a few days. We thought we could at least do something for you." Lucifer smiled.

Maybe it's all right, Looking for two good friends of mine. I mean I do miss them, if I know what they are. Not that they just have my enemies, but okay. I can't wait, maybe will my tiredness leave.

"Alright, how late?" I asked Lucifer, En he shrugged.

"They could be there any time now. Y/n be a dear~ and get Beel out of the kitchen." Asmo joined them.

I already turned red when I heard his name, Ever since I got here I couldn't be with anyone. Until Beel arrived, he helped me with everything. He even gave me some of his food when I was still hungry, and he doesn't just do that. But I'm such a coward that doesn't dare say I like him, And I keep it a secret too. I mean a Human and a Demon? Would that be possible?

When I got to the kitchen, I saw Beel eating as usual. I walked closer and saw him turn around, I stood still and smiled just like him.

"Hello Y/n! Did you know two of your friends came over?" Beel asked.

I nodded. "yep, I know. That's probably why I had to get you from Lucifer."

"Can they see you? I mean.. You guys are demons." I asked Beel, he looked at me and smiled softly.

"When you first saw us, did you think we look like demons?" He asked me, I shook my head no and he laughed. "Therefore, they probably think we are human too."

I nodded. "Okay, let's go I can't wait to see them!" Beel laughed,

I ran out of the kitchen with Beel taking some snacks. When we arrived, I saw my two friends. I ran to them and hugged them.

"F/n1, F/n2! I missed you guys! It's so great to see you guys again." I smiled at them.

"We've missed you too Y/n." One of my friend smiled, the other was staring at something.

I looked at her nervously, Oh no she didn't find out did she? "F/n2 Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"Who is that handsome boy?" She pointed to... Beel, I laughed nervously.

"That's my friend, his name is Beel." I smiled, F/n2 kept looking at him. I felt very uncomfortable.

"Let's watch a movie with snacks or something!" F/n1 tried to change the subject, I and F/n2 nodded.

"Can i join? With the snacks?" Beel asked, And F/n2 smiled. "Of course you can!" She said.

I nodded slowly, We all walked to the living room. F/n1 Sat on one side of the couch, And Beel sat on the other side. I wasn't sure where to sit yet, but then again I had no choice. F/n2 was already sitting next to Beel, I smiled softly and sat next to F/n1.

"Are you okay? You look distracted, Are you sick- Wait.. Y/n. Are you jealous?" She whispered the last part, I turned red and shook my head no. "Oh, you're really jealous! You're in love or Beel. How cute!" F/n1 whispered happily.

"shh, he'll hear you later. And I don't stand a chance, I can't even NOT turn red when I'm around him." I said embarrassed.

"cute" F/n1 Smirks, I turned even redder than I already was. I was distracted by the movie, Until I heard laughter. I to my left, And saw Beel and F/n2 laughing together. And they were very close.

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