You' ve hurt me enough(Asmo x reader)

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PART 2!!!

After all those sleepless nights, you kept staying in the same place. Your room You didn't want to go anywhere, you were afraid of what will happen.

After Asmo posted that video, you couldn't look at anyone normally. It was too embarrassing, and people tease you about it. And then imagine that you were talking to a stuffed animal, who cares?

Well that's the devildom, just demons. People don't think about your feelings here, they just want to see you in pain.

"Mc, get out of your room. You need something to eat and you've been in your room way too long, you're starting to look like Levi." Lucifer said, knocking softly on your door.

"I will not back down from kicking this door open." said Mammon, bravely

"Then you can also pay for the damage yourself, I have a spare key. Mc I'm going to open the door" Lucifer said as he took the key out of his pocket, he opened the door.

You lay on your bed and look at the ceiling, Lucifer sighed and walked in along with Mammon and Beel. Three worried faces 'and for what' Did you think, you know that three laughed about it too.

"Asmo wanted to say sorry, but he said you keep turning your head away from him. You have to forgive him eventually" Beel said with a small smile.

"Why would they? I mean did you see what Asmo posted about them! They were talking to a stuffed animal" Mammon said as he crossed his arms

Lucifer hit his head. "Did you have to say that last thing? Mammon." He asked seriously, while Mammon rubs his head.

There was silence until there was a knock, Everyone looked towards the door and saw Asmo standing there. "May I come in?"

Everyone leaves the room and Asmo sat on Mc's bed with Mc, he looked at them and started talking. "I'm sorry, I know I've said it before. But I mean it, and I don't say sorry very easily so please forgive me." Asmo got tears in the corners of his eyes.

"It will take a while before I really forgive you completely, everyone has already seen it anyway, it is no longer useful to do anything about it." You said when you looked at your arms

Asmo looks at you and rubbed your arm, a small smile came to his face. "Don't worry, they'll all forget one day. I'll post something new of me, and they'll look at me right away!~" He said like the old him, you laughed softly.

"Shut your mouth." You hit his arm, Asmo yelped and rubbed his arm where you hit but laughed afterwards. "I'm glad things are okay between us again." He said.


It was evening and you were in bed, you had gone out again today. You ate with the rest as it used to be. But something bothers you, you felt alone. You got up and walked out of your room. You went into the dark halls and walked to Asmo's room, you knocked on his room and waited. You hummed to yourself until the door slowly opened. "How dare you disturb my beauty sleep-"

"Mc, what's up Hun?" Asmo asked if he rubbed his eyes, he opened the door for you and you walked in. "Can I sleep with you?" you asked him (so straightforward 😨)

A smirk appeared on his face, and he nodded. "Come lie down next to me baby." He whispered, and you lay next to him in bed. An arm came around your waist and your head rested on his chest. "Goodnight hunny."

He kissed your forehead and your cheek, and hummed to you. You immediately fell asleep with a smile on your face, you forgave him pretty quickly but maybe it was worth it. Everything went so fast, and you (and I) know it, but if it makes you both happy, it's good.

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