Chapter 9

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"I've done some looking into your files. Medical records, school and all. You finished high school at 15, with perfect grades. You're certainly smart. You mentioned a guy named Kent earlier from your dream, he mentioned 'Stark?'" Tony quizzed.

We were sat on opposite couches, and he was leaning forwards, with an intense gaze.

"That was my dad.." I trailed off.

"Kent Fritz used to be a lead engineer of mine. He was incredible, but involved with some mob activity. He confined in me that he believed they were trying to steal my works to sell on the black market to terrorist. He was supposed to bring his family to work on the Monday and we were going to protect him.. protect you.. but he never showed up. We filed missing persons reports everything but they never found any evidence or any bodies. Emmaliene... your father and I were a lot closer than you know.. for starters I was listed as your legal guardian should anything happen to your parents, but because we could never find you, well I couldn't exactly take care of you." Tony explained with a sad look washing over his face.

"Oh.. that definitely explains a lot. I have a faint memory of packing a suit case with my mother to go on a trip..." I felt out of focus, like a wave of emotion had hit me.

"I'm sorry.. the police spoke with your aunt and uncle. They never admitted to having you, said they had no clue where any of you were. I should of looked harder." Tony stated.

"You couldn't do anything Tony. But you're helping me now and I appreciate that more than you know." I stood walking over to Tony and sitting beside him and giving him a quick awkward hug. I didn't know how to feel about any of this.

Tony reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, faded photograph. It was a younger him, surrounded by 6 women in bikinis, him holding a small toddler in the air grinning.

"You were a real chick magnet. This was a few weeks after your first birthday. I'll be honest, the old me wouldn't and didn't care for children, but when your dad bought you to parties and work functions, you knew how to work the ladies in the room for me.." he laughed. "It just didn't occur to me at first that you could be this Emmaliene, but looking at you.. your mothers hair and beauty and your fathers eyes."

"The universe works in mysterious ways." I said with a soft smile.

"Well, at least we know we can trust you now." He said standing. "I've got to head out and meet Pepper for a launch. There's 50 on the bench for pizza go crazy. Oh and no boys or parties. I'm technically your guardian now so, I should act like it." He said more so speaking to himself at the end.

I laughed softly "yes sir." I taunted.

Tony went to the elevator, stepping in and the doors closing behind him.

I sat on the couch thinking about the whole conversation. I felt like I was in shock. Tony Stark was friends with my dad. Close friends. But also my dad was involved with the mob? My aunt and uncle tried to hide me away? I was missing so much, and I wanted to find out more.

I was lost in thought for several minutes, my mind racing. I jumped slightly when the elevator made a 'ding!' Sound and the doors opened, out stepped Peter.

"Hey!" He smiled brightly.


"Tony is out right?" He asked walking to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

"Just left. He was telling me that apparently he and my dad used to be super close, and Tony is In fact my legal guardian. He also said no boys or parties while he's gone", I explained standing.

"Woah. That's a lot. Wanna talk about it over a pizza?" He asked excitedly as he noticed the 50 on the bench with a note labelled 'pizza money'. He completely ignored the last thing I said , I shrugged it off he was always here anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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