Chapter 3

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"Hey... sweetheart... wake up..." a soft woman's voice drifts into my ears causing me to flutter open my eyes.

"Oh good you're awake. Easier than I thought.." she trails off almost as if she was more so speaking to herself than me.

"I'm Natasha, Tony called as Pepper is out of town and he has no clue what to do with a teenage girl... and he thinks I do." She said with a half smirk and a shake of her head.

"Hi... I'm Emmaliene." I say sleepily sitting up and taking in my surroundings once again. It looked as though the sun was now setting outside.

"Oh gosh... I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sleep so long, it's just I get really exhausted after.. well after it happens.." my voice fading off towards the end.

It then occurred to me that I didn't know what exactly Tony had seen and if he had told any of his colleagues.  I'm sure she would find out eventually if she didn't already know.

The awkward silence that had taken over was then cut off by the loud grumble that erupted from my stomach. I felt my cheeks burn bright red as I wrapped my arms around my waist.

"Hungry huh? Good timing. Peter should be back soon with some food. Hope you like Chinese. Tony sent him because he was sick of seeing him sitting there staring at y-.. yellow flowers... haha.. kids obsessed with yellow flowers." She dwindled her facial expression contorting as if she was having a mental battle with herself.

I gave her a small smile.

"I love Chinese food."

"Excellent." She smiled back. She opened her mouth to speak again but was interrupted when Tony came strutting out of his elevator.

"Welllll good to see you are awake. How's about we have some food and start on some of those test... I'm thinking we will start with a few scans, blood, gene works.. the lot. I'll crack your mystery kiddo don't you worry.." he said enthusiastically flopping onto the couch across from me.

We all suddenly jumped when it sounded like a large bird crashed into the large floor to ceiling window in the living area.

"Oh look who's here... our friendly neighbourhood spider boy..." Natasha said sarcastically whilst shaking her head.

The 'spider boy' climbed his way down the window and into the large door that led to the helipad outside.

"Oh Spiderman! Did Peter get mugged on the way home and pass off our meal to you!!" Tony said rushing over and appearing to whisper something to him.

Spiderman places the plastic bags filled with food onto the coffee table and laughed awkwardly

"Ah haha yeah... uhhh Peter and I go way back. He's a really great guy. So nice, genuine and just great. Yeah... haha.." he then cleared his throat and deepened his voice "well I uhh.. best be off! To save some people... yeah." And with that he sprinted to the door and jumped off the edge of the building.

"You must get alot of strange guests around here.." I asked gingerly looking between Natasha and Tony.

Tony shook his head

"Nope.. just Spiderman... "

Moments later the elevator bell sounded and the doors opened to reveal Peter.

"Heard you got mugged..." Natasha said with a smirk.

"Haha... yeah there was 5 guys... no no 10. And Spiderman came but I said 'listen spidey.. I got this. You just get this food to my friends and I'll deal with these guys' and I fought them all off." He remarked grinning.

"Sure you did Peter. And tomorrow I'm going apple picking with Scooby due and the mystery inc team." Tony stated sarcastically.

I couldn't help but let out a small stifled giggle.

"Ahh she laughs.." Tony joked.

I felt myself blush a little. I felt the weight on the couch shift slightly as Peter sat on the other end of the 3 seater, as though he did not want to get too close.

"So I heard it's your birthday today, so I uh grabbed you this.." he said extending his arm, a neat white envelope in his hand.

"You didn't have to..." I trailed carefully taking it. I stated at the envelope. No one has given me anything for my birthday since my parents passed away. Not a gift, not even a card.

"Well.. are you going to open it..." Peter said quietly.

"Yeah.. it's just that, I've never been given anything before..." I stated staring down at the envelope as I felt tears filling my eyes.

Tony and Natashas background conversation had dropped off and I could feel them all staring at me. You could hear a pin drop in the room.

I pushed my sad feelings aside and slowly started to open the envelope. Inside was a beautiful soft pink card that read "Happy Birthday!" On the front in swirly writing and inside it read "Dear Emmaliene, Nice to meet you :) Happy Birthday! From Peter."

I gently closed the card still staring at the front of it as I felt tears running down my face. They probably all thought I was so silly. Crying over a card.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you.. I should have asked if you wanted a card or if you wanted something better. I-"

"No it's okay really. Thank you. T-this is the best gift I've gotten in a very very long time" I choked out beginning to cry more.

Natasha a approached gently placing a hand on my shoulder. "You know, if you want to talk about what you've been through I'm happy to listen." She stated with a nod.

I gave her a small smile in thanks and acceptance.

I asked where the nearest bathroom was so I could tidy myself up a little before eating.

We all sat across the couches and enjoyed some food. The conversation was sparse and I honestly felt as though they would all rather be eating in their rooms, but I appreciated the company.

They were all so accepting of me and they don't even know me.. maybe everything that has happened to me is for a reason. Maybe I'm meant to end up here. I was nervous about the tests Tony and Bruce want to run but I'm feeling more.. excited ? now. I might finally find out what is wrong with me and live a better life.

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