Chapter 5

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"Oh darling.. she has your eyes.." a woman's voice filled the air

She laid in a hospital bed, a small baby in her arms and a tall man hovering over her. The woman's dark brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, her vibrant green eyes looking fondly on the baby she held.

"And you beautiful hair.." the man lulled sweeping his finger tips across the short brown hair that lined the babies head.

He was tall and had sandy blonde hair and the most stunning blue eyes that practically pierced your soul.

"Well, have you decided on a name yet Mr and Mrs Fitz?" A nurse said walking into the room.

The woman stared down at the newborn in her arms.

"Emmaliene Grace..." she muttered.

The scenery begun to swirl, changing all around.

"Oh look at you! You dressed yourself!" The woman walked towards a toddler who was smiling proudly.

"See I can do it!" The small child exclaimed her grin getting bigger.

"Almost perfect sweetheart! Except your shirt is inside out!" The man came into view walking towards his daughter and fixing her shirt.

"Thanks dada... love you!" She exclaimed embracing him in a small hug before he stood again.

There was suddenly a knock at the front door.
The adults exchanged concerned glances.

"Stay here May.. I'll get it." The man said sternly.

He headed for the door opening it slowly.

"Kent.. Scott wants what you owe him." A short stocky man in a trench coat said in a dark tone.

"I told him I need a few more days. I'll have it I swear. It was a bigger job than expected. The security on that place is intense. Stark is starting to trust me, I cant break that now.." Kent explained.

"I'm Sorry Kent... I have his strict instructions.." the man trailed off, pulling a gun from his pocket.

Kent stepped back as the man fired a single shot, causing him to fall to the floor, a pool of blood forming immediately. Ken laid stiff, his eyes open but unmoving.

"No!!" May screamed pushing her child behind her and running towards Kens body.

"I'm sorry May.. we can't risk this getting out..." the man looked towards her sadly raising his gun.

Through sobs and tears she begged "please no... we have a child..." her face contorted as she pleaded with the man.

The man once again pulled the trigger making the small child jump. She was only small and young but she knew what had happened.

"Mommy.. Daddy..." her small voice whispered staring at the two lifeless bodies.

She slowly raised her eyes to the man who now held a gun pointed at her. He fired, but the bullet must of missed. He inspected his gun his eyes going back to the child who now stood staring at him, her eyes pitch black.

"What in the..." he trailed off. He now noticed the Bullet floating mid air. It turned and began to slowly float towards his forehead where it stopped for a moment, and then without warning, it sharply and quickly went into his skull, ending his life instantly.


I sat up quickly, sweating, panting, and terrified. I'd never had a nightmare like this before. It felt real and my heart was racing.

"Kent and May.." I mumbled to myself. Those were my parents names.

I was always told they died in a car accident but now.. could I have been remembering something? Or was it only a nightmare.

I looked towards the small window In the room. The sun was rising. I felt as though I needed some fresh air so decided to get out of bed and get some air on the helipad.

I walked down the long hallway, tip toeing past Tony's room incase he was asleep inside  and headed through the living area and out the doors.

It was so high up and had no railings either. I walked gingerly to the edge, and sat, dangling my legs over.

I took in the vast landscape of high rises and the occasional small building stuck between. It was truly a concrete jungle, but beautiful none the less.

I heard the door behind my shut softly and looked over my shoulder to see Peter slowly approaching.

"Hey!" He said with a warm smile.

"You couldn't sleep either huh? I always come around here early when I can't sleep. Someone is usually around." He sat beside me swinging his feet over the edge.

"Yeah.. had a nightmare and didn't feel like going back to sleep." I explained staring back out at the buildings.

"Well, do you wanna talk about it?" He asked

"I think I saw my parents get murdered when I was a child... my Aunt and Uncle always said they died in an accident but this felt to real.... And then the guy turned his gun on me, only when he pulled the trigger the bullet stopped and I was able to turn it around and send it back at him.. i couldn't control my own body.. I killed him Peter..." I trailed off looking down at my hands.

The air filled with silence. I looked at Peter who was staring at me.

"It's ok Emmaleine.. we all do bad things sometimes and make mistakes. Tony and Bruce will do everything they can to help you control this." He said forming a soft smile and gently placing a hand on my knee.

He'd only known me a short time but had been so kind. I couldn't help it when I felt my body turn towards him and I embraced him in a hug, my head resting on his chest. His arms wrapped around me gently.

"Thank you Peter. You've been so kind to me.."

"Hey what're friends for!" He chuckled awkwardly.

Someone behind us suddenly and loudly cleared their throat.

"Uhh, what's going on here huh?" Tony asked a serious look on his face.

I quickly pulled back from the hug feeling myself blush as I stood.

"Well you see, Emmaliene had a nightmare and I was just uh- comforting her because she was ups-"

"You and I'll talk later young man" Tony said sternly looking over his sun glasses at Peter causing him to shift awkwardly. It seemed as though he respected Tony like a father.

"Well Bruce has been up all night. He has some results for you.." Tony advised turning walking inside.

I followed eagerly as he headed to the elevator. As we stepped in and turned around I looked to Peter who was standing in the door way to the helipad. I offered him a small wave as the elevator doors closed.

I was now going to finally have some answers as to what was wrong with me.

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