Chapter 8

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**TW -mentions of abuse ## before and after this section.

Natasha and I strolled just down the street to a small park. It was a little overgrown, but beautiful. A hidden gem.

She guided me to a bench seat and sat down. I sat beside her and glanced over at her as she looked out at the small park.

"So.. Tony filled me in on the dream and mentioned the flinching when Peter went to give you a wave. What's happened in your life, who had hurt you."

I hadn't expect her question to be so direct and almost abrupt.

I stared blankly at her, she didn't make eye contact with me.

"Well my parents died when I was young and I went and lived with my aunt Lily and Uncle Brent..." I explained simply with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Kid there's obviously more too it than that."


"They always blamed me for my parents dying. Said it was my fault. From the age of 6 to my 13th Birthday, both of them used any chance they had to... to hurt me.. the first time it happened I remember so clearly. I came down the stairs one morning, feeling ill. I went to my aunt Lily and told her my tummy felt yucky. She just glared at me, and then slapped me across the face... she said I was useless and I deserved it. Other times it was worse, the morning of my 13th birthday I woke early and started on my chores. Uncle Brent stumbled through the door at 5am, drunk. He grabbed me by the hair and shoved me on the floor. He said I was useless.. I didn't deserve to be alive. He kicked me, then pulled me up and practically dragged me up the stairs.. then at the top, he put me down, my back to the stairs and pushed..."

"I'm so sorry", Natashas eyes bored into me as I looked at my hands blankly.

"No.. I didn't fall. I lost control. The flower vase from the hall table smashed over his head. And both of his legs snapped. He collapsed to the ground and I was able to regain control. I grabbed the bag I had already packed and I ran. "


"Emmaliene I'm sorry you've had to go through that. The fact you're here now is incredible. Nobody deserves that." Natasha sympathised placing her hand on my knee gently.

"Thank you.. I-I feel like a monster.." I mumbled as tears began to form in my eyes. "I hurt my own family." I sobbed.

Natasha pulled me into a side huge. "They hurt you Emmaliene. You only defended yourself" she said sternly.

I had no response for her as I disagreed. I sobbed softly and she kept her arm around me.

We sat there for what felt like 45 minutes in silence. I eventually pulled myself together enough to sit properly and move away.

"Thank you.." I said quietly.

"If you ever need to talk I'm here." She said with a curt nod of her head. She seemed very tough on the outside but I felt as though she was soft on the inside.

"Thanks Natasha.. I'm going to head back."

"That's fine. I'll be here a bit longer, I enjoy the peace and quiet." She said with a smile small.

I stood and walked out of the park, heading back towards the Avengers building. Id never opened up to anyone before, but then again no ones ever asked. Natasha was easy to talk to, and so was Peter.

Natasha being the big sisters I've never had and Peter a good friend. A cute friend..

I walked into the building and headed to the elevator, as the doors begun to close someone stuck their foot in stopping the doors.

Loki. I internally groaned.

"Isn't this a nice surprise." He said with a smirk.

"Wonderful." I muttered sarcastically.

The elevator began to move up when the lights suddenly flickered, and the elevator came to a sudden jolting stop. The emergency light came on, washing away the darkness.

"Whats going on.." Loki asked looking concerned.

"The elevator stopped." I groaned trying to press in any of the buttons. "You'd think Tony would have this rigged up so this couldn't happen..." I muttered.

"Well, it gives us some time to get to know each other." Loki beamed

"I'd rather not.."

"Right right. I'll go first.. Odin found me as a baby, kept my real identity a secret for a long time. My brothers a great oaf" he begun listing.

"And I couldn't care less."

"Charming." Loki said waving his hand in the air.

I flinched out of habit, turning my head away, shrinking back, and he noticed.

I watched him out of the corner of my eye, slowly reach out his hand, and he gently placed his thumb and index finger on my chin, turning my head gently to look at him.

He looked sad and concerned, which shocked me a little.

"Did someone hurt you?" He asked softly in a sad tone, almost as a whisper as he came closer, his hand still gently resting under my chin.

I couldn't help but stare at him. I took in his features once again. He almost seemed vulnerable and part of me felt bad for him whilst he seemed to be feeling bad for me.

I didn't respond to his question as our eyes locked together, before I knew what I was doing I could feel myself leaning into him as he was doing the same.

The elevator suddenly moved with a jolt, just as our lips were a mere inch apart. We both jumped stepping back and not daring look at each other.

'What the hell was that!' I thought to myself. Was i going to kiss him? I've never kissed a guy or anyone before. I could feel my cheeks burning as the elevator reached his floor.

Without looking at me Loki nodded his head and said "well then.. see you around" and walked out quickly.

The doors closed as I watched him walk away. What was going on with me.

As the elevator reached the level I was staying on I quickly scrambled out.

"Hey kiddo.. you alright? You look all flustered.." I hadn't realised Tony was there, causing me to jump.

"Oh ah yeah. The elevator stopped for a moment. Scared me a little." I explained.

"Ahh well, I'll have it looked at. How about you go take a seat on the couch. I have something I want to ask you about. I'll be back in a minute." He stated.

I walked to the couch and sat, waiting to hear what Tony had to say.

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