Chapter 1.

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******TW- attempted SA********

Finding a safe place to sleep can be hard. You see when I arrived in New York, I had a job lined up as a Nanny, a place to stay and everything was going to plan. Well not so much now. The hiring agent called and told me it fell through. I've been living pay to pay so the past few nights have been spent on the streets.

There is a quiet alley way located a few blocks from the brightly shining 'Avengers' building, that is frequented by an older homeless lady, Maggie. She knows her stuff and is willing to let me hang around for a warm meal.

I laid out my tatted old sleeping bag on some flattened cardboard boxes, praying that I would tonight get some sleep, and be safe. I could hear the clouds rumbling and see faint lightening in the distance.

"Well girlie you better home we don't get any rain.. this alley is alright when it's dry but it doesn't give us much protection." Maggie advises me, looking suspiciously at the clouds.

Looking at Maggie you could tell she had had a rough life, her hair was short, curly and matted. The lines on her face deep, yet her eyes always held such hope and care. I've only known her a few days, but I've never felt so much love since I was small..

"Here's hoping Mags.. I do enjoy watching the lightening. It's kind of exciting in a way." Maggie shakes her head at me and heads over to her sleeping bag that she has neatly rolled out a few metres from mine.

"Night Emmy.."

"Night mags"..

I lay my head down and close my eyes almost immediately drifting into a deep sleep.

xx 2 hours later xx

I suddenly jar awake. I wasn't alone and I knew it.

My eyes meet a pair of deep dark brown eyes staring back at me.

His hand suddenly over my mouth as soon as he sees my eyes are open. His other hand sloppily trying to undo my pants.

I'm panicking, I can feel my heart rate increase rapidly. Trying to make any noise I can. To scream out, To cry for help. I kick my legs around but he's strong, and I'm too weak to push him away with my hands.

"Stop it you silly bitch!" He shouts and pushes his hand down harder over my mouth, causing me to start clawing at his hand with no avail.

I can't move because he's sitting on me. One leg either side.

That's when I feel it. Like I'm leaving my body. Losing control. I close my eyes and open them again.

"What the fuck... w-what are you..." he stammers looking down at me.

I know what he sees. A skinny pale girl, with long wavy brown hair who's eyes have just gone from a bright shade of blue to the blackest black you can imagine.

He stands up jumping back in fright. I quickly push myself up, except its not me doing it. I have no control. I feel like a bystander in my own body. As if I can see out of my eyes but cannot move my limbs.

"You've fucked with the wrong bitch..." I breathe out, slowly raising my right hand, aiming it towards his neck. He begins to gasp for air, clawing at his throat. I close my hand tighter and tighter cutting off more and more air.

'No no no!! I know he's evil and vile but I can't kill anymore' I scream mentally, there is never a reply. This... demon inside me doesn't like to give up control.

I try to focus. Try to think about my mother and father. The smiling picture I have of the three of us on my first birthday.

I manage to take control back of my own body for a moment. Releasing the predator from my grasp. He lets out a number of breathy obscenities, stands up and turns, clutching his throat and running. I collapse to my knees clutching my head in my hands. God it hurts. My head pounds and my vision blurs slightly.

"Deep breathes Emmaleine... deep breathes.." I mutter to myself with my eyes squeezed shut.

I suddenly had the feeling of being watched and lifted my head, attempting to take in my surroundings. My vision blurry but I could make out that Maggie was gone, it wasn't unusual for her to disappear during the night.

I felt a presence behind me and turned my head.

"I'm not one to pry into the business of others... well yes I am.. but what was that!" I vaguely made out the shape of a human, the colours red and gold, and a glowing light before everything went black.

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