Chapter 4

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I honestly couldn't tell you how much blood Tony and Bruce took from me, but I was glad i had eaten before hand as I was now too queasy to think about food.

"You alright Emmaliene?" Bruce asked looking over his glasses at me.

"You look pale..."

"At least she's not green", Tony stated sarcastically with a smirk whilst eyeing Bruce.

"Well, if you want to head back up the elevator and catch some sleep then go for it, we should have results in the morning." Bruce explained ignoring Tony's odd comment.

"Thanks.." I mumbled heading for the elevator.

I was glad that Tony and Bruce hadn't asked too many questions. I was honestly not really feeling like answering them.

The elevator stopped with a 'ding!' I stepped out into the now dimly lit floor, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me, but I just put it down to the 101 security cameras.

I quietly stepped to the room Tony had for me to stay in, still feeling a little woozy.

The room was simple, but large. It had a king sized bed placed neatly in the middle of the room with dark grey covers. To the left there was a door leading to a small ensuite with a shower and toilet.

I'd taken advantage of a shower prior to going down for the tests so I now only had to change clothes.

I slipped on a pair of long grey sweat pants and a basic grey sweater. Regardless I was very appreciative of the clothes. Anything I had had was old and worn.

Deciding that I wanted a glass of water before drifting to sleep, I slipped out of my room heading for the kitchen. The only lights now those shining out of other buildings and signs nearby.

I had that feeling again of being watched. I looked around the room, and behind me. Nothing.

"Stop being paranoid.." I muttered to myself looking through cupboards to find a glass. I bent over to check the cupboard located below the sink, surely enough that is where the glasses were.

I stood with the cup in my hand and a small smile on my face. I turned around and met a pair of vibrant green eyes in the darkness, looking above me, very closely.

I made a small Yelp in surprise, the persons hand covering my mouth quickly, but gently.

"Shhh.." he hushed his other hand holding a finger to his lips. He slowly lowered his hand from my mouth.

"You're a curious creature aren't you..." he pondered looking me up and down with that same mischievous smile he wore early today.

"Loki" I breathed out his name softly.

"Yes. That is me. Now tell me, what's this I hear about chocking people... pretty hands like these shouldn't be doing that!" He remarked grabbing my left hand and flipping it over in his own.

I snatched my hand back and shot him a glare.

"I'll have you know I don't need my hands, and it was an accident." I stated firmly.

"Well without your hands how did you do it."

"I-I don't know. It's like my mind goes blank and I'm watching everything around me with no control.."

"Have you tried to control it?"

"I can't.." I say softly, moving my gaze from the ground to meet Loki's eye.

The smile he had earlier worn was gone now. He looked as though he was deep in thought. His slight distraction gave me a chance to take in all of his features.

His dark hair, chiseled face and his eyes. His eyes seemed to hold so much. They looked lost, sad and hopeful all at once.

When he realised I was staring his expression again changed. As if he was putting up a wall.

"Well then, off to bed you go. Can't have you getting cranky at anyone and chocking them..." he said walking away from the kitchen, not giving me another glance.

I stood feeling a little confused and stunned for a moment before filling my glass and heading to bed.

Hopefully tomorrow is another decent day and Tony and Bruce manage to find some answers by then. I'm almost nervous as to what they find and what questions they'll have. I pushed these thoughts from my mind as I lay down, and I allow myself again to drift into sleep.

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