Chapter 7

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After about 2 hours of practising moving the can and Bruce observing, I was now able to move it from around 4 feet away into my hand.

"Great job kid. I'll start working on that gene isolation.. not really Tony's specialty thankfully so he won't be bothering me." He said with a chuckle.

"Cool. I'm kinda hungry, is there anything to eat in this place?" I asked shyly

"Here.." Bruce said opening his wallet "go grab something, there's a few places on this block." He handed me a 20.

"Are you sure?" I asked eyeing the bill as he nodded. I took it gently and stood.

"Thanks Bruce.. do you want anything?"

"No thanks." He said looking back towards his notes.

I headed for the elevator, stepping in when the doors opened and pressed the 'G' option for the ground floor.

I was feeling good after my session with Bruce. He told me a bit about his past making me feel better about my own. I stepped out of the elevator and headed out of the building.

I strolled the streets and soon realised I was close by to the alley that Maggie had usually resided in. I decided to stop by to see if she was there.

I turned down the alley and walked towards the back of it. She was no where to be found, nor was her belongings.

I sighed and turned around to exit the alley, only a man was walking towards me.

His hair was messy and I could smell the alcohol on him from a few feet away. He pulled a pocket knife from his pocket.

"Give me any money and jewellery and no one get hurts.." he said stepping closer.

I pulled the $20 from my wallet not wanting to fight.

"H-here.. this is all I have I swear."

"Hmm sure it is toots.. try again." He demanded stepping closer again.

"Really it's all I have.." I pleaded with him.

Suddenly the pocket knife was pulled from his hand, it went upwards.

Suddenly a figure dressed in red and blue landed between us facing the man. Spiderman.

"It's not nice to mug people sir." He stated placing his hands on his hips.

The man seemed to growl at him and went to throw a sloppy punch. Spiderman dodged this and pushed the guy towards the wall, trapping the guy on the wall with webs.

He then wrapped his left arm around my waist and looked towards me. "Hold on and close your eyes." I nodded and quickly threw my arms around him, squeezing my eyes tightly shut.

I felt my feet lift off the ground and a sudden breeze on my face. It felt like flying. I peeled open my eyes ever so slowly and realised we were up above the ground, the people and even some of the smaller buildings.

I took in the sights and scenery - it was beautiful. We swung towards a roof top and soon enough I felt my feet hit solid ground.

Spiderman took his arm away from my waist and stepped back. "Ma'am are you okay?" Something seemed off with his voice, as if he was purposefully making it sound deeper.

"Yes! That was amazing. Thank you. I have to ask how did you know I was there?" I quizzed.

"Well I was fo-... I was flying by haha you know swinging around and I spotted you and saw that guy. Just protecting my neighbourhood. Kinda what I do. Friendly neighbourhood spiderman and all..." he trailed off.

"Thank you.. I appreciate it."

"What are you doing wandering down alleyways along anyway?"

"I was seeing if a friend was there, but she was gone and grabbing something to eat." I said realising I was still clutching the 20 in my hand.

"Ahh I see... well if you head down that fire escape you'll be near a couple of dinners and takeout places. Just stay out of alleyways." He laughed. Something about him seemed familiar. His voice? His mannerism... I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Will do."

"Oh also I think Nat was swinging by with a few things for y-" he stopped throwing his hands over his face.

"How do you know about that," I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh ahhh...," he cleared his throat "sorry ma'am thinking out loud, talking to myself.. Stay safe and I'll catch you around" he said and he ran towards the edge of the building, jumping off.

I ran over looking down, only to see him swinging off into the distance.

"What a funny guy.." I muttered.

I did as he said and climbed down the fire escape which took me to the entrance of an alley, making it easy to step back onto the street.

The smell of fresh baked pastries hit my nose so I decided that was lunch as I located the small patisserie nearby that was baking them.

I stepped in, inhaling deeply. I took a place in the short line waiting for the two customers infront to ordered.

The bell on the door rung behind me as another customer lined up behind me.

They stood close. Too close for comfort.

I turned my head catching their eye.

"Ahh it's you." His voice rang through my ears. "Surprised they let you out." He added.

"I could say the same for you." I retorted.

"Oh touché. You see they track me I can't go anywhere without them knowing." He seethed.

"I think destroying half of New York makes you kind of untrustworthy."

He leaned forward, whispering in my ear "Hmm and chocking people doesnt... killing a man doesn't.." his hot breath gliding over my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

I turned to face him fully, a shocked expression on my face. "How do you know about that..." I asked in a hushed tone referring to the last part of what he said.

He smirked "darling, the walls have ears." 

I took in how he was dressed, black slacks and a white buttoned shirt, the sleeves rolled up on his arms. When they say god, they mean god.

"Well the walls should mind their own business." I stated shooting him a glare as I turned to the counter, it now being my turn to ordered. "I'll just grab a raspberry pastry please." I smiled at the waitress and handed her the 20. She passed my my change and the pastry.

"Feisty aren't you.." I could practically hear the smirk on his stupid face.

As I turned to leave i shot him one last glare and headed for the door.

I made my way back the Avengers tower, nibbling my pastry as I went.

'What an eventful day' I thought to myself with a sigh. The sun hadn't even begun to set and I was exhausted.

As I entered the building a familiar woman was standing in the lobby looking towards her watch.

"You decided to come back." Natasha smiled.

"Yeah.." I laughed a little back at her sarcasm.

"Let's go sit in the park and have a chat." She said leading me back to the door.

"Okay.." I said cautiously following her out the door.

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