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We all arrived at Eichen House and Stiles' dad ran up to the front desk as soon as we were let in, the rest of us close behind. "I need access to all basement rooms in this facility."

Once we were allowed in we headed down to the basement of the building which was slightly creeping me out I will admit. "It's here. It's right here." Lydia said and the sheriff went towards the door down the hallway from us and kicked it open, shining his torch into the dark room as we moved down the metal staircase. "Stiles?" We looked around the room to find nothing but cobwebs and what looked like a furnace, but it was freezing. 

 "Lydia?" Scott asked expectantly.

"I don't get it. This has to be it." She whispered.

"Then where is he, huh?" the sheriff questioned in frustration. "Where is he? Where is he?!" He shouted. She backed away from him mouth agape with nothing to say. "I'm sorry." He said realising it wasn't her fault, which he already knew but he was still frustrated. I went to hold her hand to comfort her but she pulled away shaking her head and looking at the ground avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"I don't understand." She said, barley audible. I held her arm and guided her back up the stairs and out of the basement. I took her back to her house and she asked if I wanted to stay for a while so I did while Isaac found out what Allison was doing since we'd all tried to call her and she hadn't answered her phone. We tried to figure out where else he could be if not in Eichen. I got a call a couple of hours later from my mom saying her and my dad had found Stiles in the middle of the woods, screaming, but still asleep.

We arrived at the hospital as fast as possible and sat in the waiting area for around 10 minutes until Stiles' dad came out of the hospital room and we all stood up. "He's sleeping now. And he's just fine. He doesn't remember much. It's a bit like a dream to him." We all let out our breaths in relief at the news. "Thank you." He said to my dad.

"It was that repellent we sprayed in the coyote den to keep other animals out. I couldn't go near it without my eyes watering. It's just a good thing he mentioned it over the phone."

"No, it was more than that. Thank you."

"It was a lucky connection."

"McCall. Can you shut up please and accept my dearest gratitude." 

"Accepted." They shook hands.

"All right, you three. You've got school in less than six hours. Go home. Go to sleep." Our mom said to me, Scott and Lydia. 

"Okay." I nodded and gave her a hug before dropping Lydia off and going home.

The next day at school Lydia was extremely skittish. "You okay?" I asked her. 

"Yeah. I'm just a little hyper-sensitive to loud sounds today." She jumped again as a locker slammed shut.

"They're doing tests on Stiles all afternoon. I was gonna go over around 6:00 to visit. You wanna come with me?"

"I should probably just go home." She jumped again at another loud slam.

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. I'll text you later." And she left.

[ON HOLD] Malia Tate | green yellow... and redWhere stories live. Discover now