Do you want to draw me?

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We spent the rest of the day together just hanging out and driving around, music on way too loud with the windows open. We were the obnoxious people everyone hates, especially when stuck in traffic, but in reality most people probably have or will do it at some point in their lives. I didn't realise how late it was getting until we were going down a road with no street lights on. 

"Wanna come back to mine?" I asked her. "You can stay over. 

"Sure." she said, and we went home. When we got home both Scott and my mom were already home.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Malia? Hi." Scott said with a genuine smile so I knew he was glad to see her. I told them she was going to stay over and they just nodded so we went upstairs.

I shut the door and turned my speaker on connecting it to my laptop. I turned around to Malia flipping through my sketch book."These are really good." She said. I realised it wasn't my school book since it was on the floor. That meant it was full of sketches of naked women. Usually ones I'd hooked up with. Shit.

"Umm. Thanks." I said smiling before walking over and shutting it before she saw one I really didn't want her to see.

"You never told me you could draw." She said.

"It never came up in conversation." I told her. She just shrugged and sat down on my bed.

"So, you know the girls you draw?" She asked me after we sat in silence for a good two minutes.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Are they like actual people you know?"

I nodded again. "Usually just people I hook up with." I said.

"But you and Lydia?"

"We were on and off. I only ever got with other girls when we were off. To be honest I never really spoke to anyone else. You're the first person I've been able to open up to since I got turned." I said.

"How come?"

"I don't really know. I guess I've just been so scared of hurting someone." 

"You're not scared of hurting me?"

"You seem like you can handle yourself. And you're one of the only people I feel like I can talk to about stuff, especially since I've not really got Lydia anymore, and well, it's gonna be different with Stiles now. I'd do anything not to lose you, which is weird since I haven't known you that long."

"Well my fathers still scared of me, he tries not to show it, but he is. I just feel like no one can see me." 

"I see you." I tell her.

"I see you too."

I was on my knees between her legs making us around the same height, so she used it as an excuse to press her head against mine. I press my head into hers more, my hands coming up to hold her face and our eyes locked. "I know." I said lightly, and her nose bumped into mine before she leaned in and captured my lips with her own. I melted into her and kissed her back.

She led on my chest while I played with her hair before she stood up abruptly, going over to sit down in the chair I had at my desk. She flipped through a few pages before I got over to her. "Is that Lydia?" She asked, her voice still calm. 

"Erm, yeah. I drew her a while back." I said.

She paused. "So girls just let you draw them?"

"Yeah, when they're comfortable with it." I said, it came out as more of a question though. Malia went red and started picking at her fingernails, looking down to the floor and biting her bottom lip. I sat up as she pulled her jumper over her head. "Malia?"

"Do you want to draw me?" She asked softly, meeting my eyes with a small smile. I nodded and she unbuttoned her jeans pulling them down and off. 

My eyes wandered before I forced them back up to look at her face, which wasn't much of a challenge considering how attractive she was. She pushed her hair out of her face and behind her ears before taking my sketch book off the desk and handing it to me. "Where should I go?"

I swallowed heavily grabbing my pencil from the desk. "You can um- lay down if you want, it might take a while." 

Her cheeks flushed red again as she turned around, going to sit on my bed. I breathed out as she adjusted the way she was sat, crossing her her legs and laying backwards, not showing any signs of being uncomfortable, but trying to look perfect by positioning herself so her stomach looked flatter. 

"Malia." I said and she looked at me, slightly confused. "It's okay, I like drawing people because I like to appreciate the beauty of them, not because they look perfect. Everyone's body is different, if they weren't I wouldn't bother drawing them." I told her. She relaxed, looking even better than before. I moved my pencil closer to the paper before stopping, saying "But if someone was perfect, it would be you."

I spent the longest I'd ever spent on anyone on her to make sure I had everything perfect. When I was done I went over to her and gave her one of my shirts to sleep in. Would I rather she didn't? Obviously. But I didn't care. She would always be beautiful no matter what. I turned to my side, facing away from her, and as I hoped, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her chest making me feel safe and I fell asleep not long after. 

[ON HOLD] Malia Tate | green yellow... and redWhere stories live. Discover now