They came out of the dark

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Stiles told me about the strange figures that attacked Isaac and that he was worried that the same thing happened to Lydia so we looked around the whole place for her. We couldn't find her anywhere until we went out onto the balcony. She was led on the ground shaking. We ran over to her. "She's freezing." I said. Stiles began to pick her up. "I'll get her." I said nudging his hand away. "I'm stronger and faster." I picked her up and carried her to a heat vent. "Go and find the others." I said to Stiles and he left us in the small room.

"They came out of the dark." She said looking terrified. I pulled her into a tight hug and she seemed warmer. I picked her up and we went through into the main area of the party and Derek had just told everyone to get out. Derek was back. It was only us left, along with the same figures that had attacked Isaac and that I assumed had been the ones to hurt Lydia. I went to put her arm over Stiles but he told me to get her home because like I said, I'm stronger and faster.

I took her home and put her in bed. Since she seemed basically back to normal, just a bit shaken up i got up to leave. "Stay." She said grabbing my hand. "Move up then." I said and smiled at her. I got in and went under the covers after shutting the window since I was kind of cold. She moved closer to me so I wrapped my arms around her to try and keep her warm since I was apparently quite a warm person after turning. 

Even though we weren't "seeing each other" anymore she still made me feel safe. She was the only real person in my life that I loved besides Scott and Stiles. I'd never told her that before, she didn't love me since it was never a proper relationship so I didn't want to make things weird. I wasn't even sure I loved her in that way. I was so afraid of hurting people that I'd closed myself off besides them. The only other person that I'd actually started becoming close with was Malia.

A/N: It's short but I wanted to finish off the episode and add to the story so yeah. 

[ON HOLD] Malia Tate | green yellow... and redTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang