Gene Donor

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My mom and I got home to find my dad, Scott and Kira stood in the house debating something. "Hi guys? What's he doing here?" I asked. Scott just looked at me and then back to our father.

"Dad, let me help you out. You need to leave."

"I will. With a satisfactory explanation."

"Go and get a warrant."

"I don't need a warrant I'm your father." He said raising his voice. I walked around the table to stand next to them and saw a picture of Scott and Kira on his laptop. They'd been caught.

"No, you're a gene donor. We got our hair colour from you, and that's all we got. So you're not allowed to play tough dad with me."

"Hey. What's going on?" Our mom asked walking in a few moments later. I held up my hands in innocence since I wasn't linked to the situation with any proof and if Scott was to get grounded as much as Ioved him I wasn't staying stuck in the house with him for however long.

"Maybe one of you can explain." He said referring to the two stood next to me. All of a sudden it started to get a lot darker outside the house.

"Scott..." Kira said in fear. 

"Who the hell is this?" Our father questioned about the dark figure that had appeared behind us, and he began to walk towards it. 

"Dad no!" I said trying to stop him. "Dad wait..." Before we had the chance to do anything he had a sword pushed into his chest, earning a loud scream from Kira.

"Dad." Scott said and him, our mom and I ran over to where he had collapsed, kneeling beside him. Our front door opened and she dragged his limp body out of the way and Derek came in, snarling. Scott growled as we started attacking the figure. "Mom the ash!" He shouted. Another of the figures appeared behind Kira who still hadn't moved. Ethan and Aiden smashed in through our window, both growling. They were able to push one of the shadowed people into a small closet and me and my brother threw he other one out of the now broken window. "Mom, now, do it now!" He shouted and she smashed the vile of mountain ash in the door way leaving them trapped outside.

"All of the baseboards are ashwood?" Derek asked.

"Uh, yeah. It was Deaton's idea." Scott explained. "And where the hell did you come from?"

"I've been following you."

"For how long?" I questioned.

"All day." He nodded walking off through the house. 

"Scott, Ruby, this isn't good!" Our mom shouted to us and we ran over to where she had taken him.

"How bad is it?" Scott said. 

"From the way that his arm is rotated, the tendon looks torn. He could be on his way to a collapsed lung."

"Mom, those things, they're not gonna leave until the sun's up." I told her.

"At the rate he's bleeding, he's not gonna make it that long. We've gotta get him to the hospital."

"Should we call Stiles' dad?" Scott asked.

"I don't know, is that just gonna get more people hurt?"

"Maybe. I don't think guns work on them."

"Then what does?" She asked us urgently.

"We don't know." 

We went back to the door to check everything was still okay but the figures had started trying to find weak spots and eventually they managed to get through. "Don't do anything." Scott said.

He took mine and Kira's hands and walked over to them. They grabbed each of our heads and then we passed out. 

Once we had woken up after Aiden broke mine and Scott's arms and slapped Kira to make us heal, I went to find Stiles at the hospital. I heard a loud thud and walked into a room where Stiles was stood with his back to me. "Stiles. You okay?"

"Yeah. Fine." He said turning to face me. "What's been going on?" He asked and I told him while he drove me home. 

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