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"they've been in there for ages, when are they waking up?" lydia paced around the room nervously while hannah and isaac sat on a table, hands gripping tightly to one another's in assurance.

"soon," deaton told the girl. "very soon."

as if on cue, the three teens shot up from the water, gasping for breath.

"i saw it," scott heaved, pulling himself out of the tub. "i know where it is."

stiles nodded in agreement. "we passed it. there's a stump. this huge tree," he rambled. "well, it's not huge anymore. it was cut down, but it's still big, though, very big."

"it was the night we were looking for the body," scott turned to stiles.

"yeah, the same night you were bit by peter."

"i was there too," allison panted. "in the car with my mother. we almost hit someone."

scott's mouth fell open. "that was me. you almost hit me," he gaped at the girl. "we can find it!"

hannah, isaac, and lydia merely gawked at the three in shock.

"what?" allison furrowed her brows in confusion.

"you guys were out for a long time," isaac said slowly.

stiles' face fell. "how long is a long time."

"16 hours," deaton stated.

"we've been in the water for 16 hours?" scott's eyes bulged.

"and the full moon rises in less than four," hannah grimaced, moving over to wrap a towel around each of her friends' shivering forms. "we need to hurry."

"i need to find deucalion."

stiles spun to face scott, his expression one of astonishment. "no, dude. you are not going back with them."

"i made a deal with deucalion."

"does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?" stiles scoffed.

"why does it matter, anyway?" isaac questioned.

"because we can't beat jennifer without them," hannah answered for scott. "she's too powerful."

allison shifted in her seat to look at deaton. "he trusts you more than anyone. tell him he's wrong."

"i'm not so sure he is," the man replied. "circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies."

"so we're gonna trust him," isaac stated blankly. "the guy that calls himself death: destroyer of worlds? we're gonna trust that guy?"

deaton shook his head. "i wouldn't trust him, no," his gaze moved to hannah and scott. "but you could use him to your advantage. deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait."

the soft ring of the bell caused all heads to snap to the entryway where ethan stood awkwardly.

"i'm looking for lydia."

"what do you want?" lydia gave the boy a once over.

"i need your help."

stiles maneuvered his way beside the strawberry blonde, glaring at the boy. "with what?"

"stopping my brother and kali from killing derek," he swallowed. "but i need your help."

lydia let out a small sigh before moving towards ethan.

broken betas// isaac lahey teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now