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"where is he?"

"woah, woah, calm down, missy," melissa soothed as hannah burst through the hospital doors. "what are you doing here? don't you have school?"

"i've been tracking isaac for the past week, and suddenly i'm walking past the hospital on the way to school and i smell his blood everywhere!" hannah whisper-yelled, panic written all over. her face. "please, melissa, i need to see him."

"i," melissa groaned as the girl flashed her best puppy-dog eyes at the woman. "fine. i cannot believe i am doing this," she muttered as she pulled hannah behind her towards isaac's room.

as soon as the door was open hannah flew towards the bed into isaac's awaiting arms.

"i knew i recognized your voice," he murmured into her hair.

"if i weren't so worried, i would be angry," she cried. "please never go off alone like that again. i thought i was going to find you dead."

"i know, i'm sorry," he whispered, stroking her hair. "i promise i won't."

"what happened?" she asked, wiping the stray tears from her cheeks.

"i was attacked by one of the alphas," isaac explained. "this girl broke me out. i-i can't remember anything from before that."

"they took your memory," she gasped.

isaac nodded his head defeatedly. "yeah."

"well, since it's obvious you're not going anywhere anytime soon, let's have a look at these wounds while i'm in here," melissa chuckled, removing the gauze from isaac's injury. "oh yeah, that's healing... visibly. wow, um, they can't see this. nobody can see this."

"alright, cover it up," isaac said distractedly as he played with hannah's fingers.

"i don't think that's gonna matter," the woman told the two. "you're scheduled for surgery, which is obviously gonna be very confusing for a lot of people."

"okay, can you do something?"

"me do something?" the woman scoffed. "i'm relatively new to all of this, and there's a sheriff's deputy that's stationed right outside the door."

"what options do we have?" hannah's eyes shone with worry.

isaac gave the girl a weak smile,  but it came out as more of a grimace. "hope for the best?"


hannah was waiting anxiously in isaac's room when scott burst into the room.

"where is he?"

"they already took him into surgery," she sighed. "there was nothing we could do."

"let's go," he said, leaving to make his way towards the elevator, hannah hot on his heals. "so, how's it going between you two?"

"seriously? you want to ask about my relationship status while we're trying to help said werewolf boy make sure he doesn't give away the supernatural?"

the boy grinned cheekily. "no time like the present."

she gave a small laugh at that, shaking her head at his words. "we're just friends."

"friends who kiss and hang out all the time and are constantly touching one another?"

"friends who don't wanna mess things up, so they stay silent until the other breaks."

"yeah, okay," he snorted, entering the elevator and hitting the number 2.

just as the doors began to close, a walking stick was shoved between them, causing them to reopen.

broken betas// isaac lahey teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now