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"derek!" miss blake ran into the loft panting in search of the man. "derek, where are you?"

"right here," he called, walking over to her.

"thank god," she breathed rushing over to wrap her arms around his muscular frame. "something happened at the recital at the school. i need to tell you before you hear it. before you hear any of it from them."

"from who?"

"scott, stiles, hannah, they're gonna tell you things— things you can't believe. you have to trust me, okay? you trust me."

"what is it?"

"promise you'll listen to me," she pleaded.

"i promise."

a relieved look swept across her face, leaning forward to capture his lips with her own before slowly pulling away when she noticed he wasn't responding with his usual fervor. "they're already here, aren't they?"

"that's right, bitch!" hannah strode out from her hiding space, her lips curled up into a wide smirk.

miss blake's eyes glanced between the teens and derek. "so, they told you it was me? that i'm the one taking people?"

"we told him you're the one killing people," scott growled lowly.

"oh, that's right," she chuckled. "committing human sacrifices? what, cutting their throats? yeah, i probably do it on my lunch hour, that way i can get back to teaching high school english the rest of the day! that makes perfect sense."

"you're the one who overbooked your schedule," hannah shrugged. "all you're really implying is that you're bad at planning things. don't know what that has to do with us."

"where's my dad?" stiles asked bluntly, eyes boring into the woman.

"how should i know?" she spun around to face derek. "tell me you don't believe this."

the man glanced between the teens and the woman standing before him. "do you know what happened to stiles' father?"

"no," she shook her head, eyes pleading for him to believe her.

"ask her why she almost killed lydia," scott pitched in.

"lydia martin?" miss blake feigned confusion. "i don't know anything about that!"

"what do you know?" derek questioned.

"i know that these kids, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story," she turned to the teens. "and one they can't prove, by the way!"

scott held up a tiny jar filled with a powdery brown substance. "what if we can?"

"what is that?"

"my boss told me it's a poison and a cure," he unscrewed the lid. "which means you can use it, and it can be used against you."

"mistletoe," she gasped, trying to shield herself as scott threw the herb at the woman as she screamed, revealing her true form.

derek quickly rushed forward, clawed hand wrapping around her throat.

"derek, derek, wait! you need me!"

"what are you?" he snarled.

"the only person who can save your sister," she choked. "call peter. call him!"

derek used his free hand to dial peter, ending the call abruptly before focusing his attention on suffocating the woman.

"derek!" scott yelled. "derek, what are you doing?"

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