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it had been over three months since boyd and erica had been captured by the alpha pack, and the lack of their presence was taking a toll on all of derek's pack. hannah had recently begun finding it near impossible to get more than four hours of sleep, often jolting up in a cold sweat as she watched allison drive her knives into isaac, derek, scott, and stiles, the light in their eyes slowly dimming as she was forced to helplessly watch her closest companions die in front of her.


the girl's eyes snapped open in alarm, launching into fighting stance with her claws out. it took her a moment to realize that she was in pack meeting and had drifted off, her pack members looking at her in concern.

"i-i'm sorry," she stammered, cheeks blushing profusely at her mistake.

isaac gave her a worried look, gaze fixed on the girl's shaky demeanor and dark bags beneath her eyes.

"it's alright. just don't do it again," derek admonished gently. "now," he returned his attention back to the map they were huddled around. "we've already checked all of the wooded districts, so that means they're likely hiding in an abandoned lot."

"the municipal district has a ton of unused buildings," isaac perked up. "the area's kind of a shit show, so no one really hangs out there. it would be the perfect place for them to hide out."

derek nodded at the information. "great, we'll have to move quick. the full moon's coming up in a few weeks and we don't know the level of damage they've done."

"or had done to them," peter noted.

"yeah," derek murmured. "or that."


hannah stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, fingers brushing over the purple bruises on her face, eyes glaring intently at the already healing skin. a small sigh left her lips as she muttered incoherent digs at her father under her breath while squeezing an obscene amount of toothpaste onto the bristles of her brush.

music played softly in the background as she finished up her nightly routine, dread washing over her as she slipped under the covers and prepared herself for another restless slumber.

she smelled it before she saw it. the pungent stench of blood stung at her nose, making her eyes water as they shot open. a loud gasp left her as she took in the scene, a look of horror etching itself onto her face. mutilated bodies surrounded the brunette, all wearing an identical expression of sadness and betrayal. there were throats slashed, stomachs torn out, blood pooling on the ground around each of her friends and family.

a sharp cry escaped her, a hand to moving to cover her mouth in an attempt at muffling the sobs that were battling their way out. it wasn't until she felt the stickiness touch her face that hannah shakily pulled her hand away, ugly screams ripping from her soul as she stared in terror at her bloodied claws.

hannah fell to her knees, her shoulders trembling as though she were carrying the weight of the world.


the girl's bloodshot eyes shot up to meet the gentle green orbs of her mother.

"why did you do this?"

"i," hannah stuttered. "i don't know, mom. i-i didn't mean to. i promise!"

the older woman sent a heinous glare at her child, gaze filled so heavily with resentment and anger that the girl found herself wishing to just die then and there.

"you killed your friends— your family— the ones you swore to protect!"

"i didn't mean to!"

"you killed me!" the woman snarled. "so, now, i'm going to kill you."

broken betas// isaac lahey teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now