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"so, let me get this straight," hannah said slowly. "lydia's not actually the kanima. it's jackson, and he's being controlled by some psycho who kills murderers. so you two boneheads thought it would be a good idea to kidnap him, steal a police truck, hide him in said police truck, and now you might get sued or put in jail."

"correct, and i don't appreciate that bonehead statement," stiles humphed at the girl. "ms. morrell mistranslated the bestiary. it says 'the kanima seeks a master,' not a friend."

"if jackson doesn't know what he's doing, then he probably doesn't know that someone's controlling him," allison gasped through the phone.

"or," scott began, "he doesn't remember."

stiles nodded. "what if it's the same kind of thing that happened with lydia when she took off from the hospital?"

"a fugue state."

"he'd have to forget everything: the murder, getting rid of the blood, everything," hannah realized.

"but he had help with one thing," scott stated. "the video. and someone else helped him forget that."

hannah's eyes widened, gasping when she understood what scott was insinuating. "whoever's controlling him!"

"are you sure jackson has no clue about any of this?" allison asked.

"he thinks he's still becoming a werewolf," stiles muttered. "and that being with lydia somehow delayed the whole thing."

"so do we try to convince him he's not?"

scott pursed his lips. "if it helps us find out who's controlling him, then yeah."

"do you think he'll talk to us after what we did?"

hannah snorted. "you mean after what you guys did. leave my name out of this."

"yeah," stiles blankly stated. "it's us. he'll talk to us, right?"


"so, why do we need their help?" isaac questioned as he, hannah, and erica trailed behind derek through the station.

"because it's harder to kill than i thought," derek said simply. "and i still don't know who it is."

hannah's brows furrowed in confusion at the man's statement, going to open her mouth, but was quickly silenced by a sharp glare derek shot her.

"and they do?" the boy continued.

"they might, which is why i need one of you to get on their good side."

isaac groaned. "why can't hannah do it? she's already friends with them."

"i don't care who does it. just do it."

erica smirked, tapping thoughtfully at the corner of her lips with a perfectly manicured nail. "scott or stiles?"


"erica, babe," hannah soothed. "i'm loving the newfound confidence, but the home wrecking feels a little unnecessary."

the blonde humphed at her friend's words before turning her attention back to their alpha.

"the full moon is coming, derek," isaac interrupted.

derek turned to the boy with a bored expression on his face. "i'm aware of that," he stated before returning to his previous task of pulling chains from a chest in front of him.

"ah, yes, i remember this one fondly," hannah laughed, picking up a headband looking device with metal prongs sticking out from the sides.

"looks comfortable," erica winced.

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