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"scott, i'm bored," hannah groaned as she spun in circles on the spinny-chair in deaton's office.

"i told you, you didn't have to come," scott said as he and deaton worked on their current patient, an elderly westie-poodle mix.

"and stay at home?" she scoffed. "yeah, right."

the sound of dogs barking and loud whimpers coming from the kennels alerted them to someone's presence. the three shuffled over the the entrance where isaac stood, hands shoved bashfully into his pockets.

"it's okay, isaac," deaton greeted, going over to let him in. "we're open."

"why does it smell like that?" isaac scrunched up his nose as he entered, eyes flickering to the dog lying on the examination table.

"not an 'it,'" hannah gasped in mock offense. "that's harriet!"

deaton chuckled. "hannah said the same thing many years ago. she would come in with her mother all the time, eager to see all of the dogs and play with them. until, one day, she was somehow able to tell the difference between which animals were getting better and which were not."

"she's not getting better, is she?" isaac asked.

the vet shook his head sadly.

"like cancer?"

"osteosarcoma," deaton stated. "it has a very distinct scent, doesn't it?"

the boy nodded.

"come here," he pulled isaac towards him. "i know you're well aware of what your new abilities can do for you. improved strength, speed, and healing... you ever wonder what it can do for others?" the man was quiet for a moment before sticking out his palm. "give me your hand."

isaac hesitantly placed his hand in the older man's, watching as his fingers were gently placed onto the dog's side. the boy stared in awe as his veins turned black, tiny amounts of pain flooding through his arm. "what did i do?" he breathed, mouth gaping in shock.

"you took away her pain," hannah said softly, clasping her hands around his as he turned to her, cerulean eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"only a little," deaton spoke up. "but sometimes a little can make quite a difference."

a single tear trembled at his waterline, causing him to lift his sleeve and wipe it away.

"it's okay," scott smiled. "first time he showed me, i cried too."

isaac's face broke out into a grin as he glanced between hannah and the dog as though he were enthusiastically asking her, 'did you see what i did? did you see that?'.

deaton smiled at the exchange before picking up harriet to move her back into her crate.

"so," scott cleared his throat, looking at isaac. "why are you here?"

"they're leaving tonight during the game."

hannah's eyes widened at his words, mouth dropping open in shock. "what?" she gaped. "and no one thought to tell me?"

"we knew you wouldn't go," isaac tried to explain, averting his eyes from her's that were pooling with betrayal. "you're too loyal to derek."

"so, why are you telling me?" scott cut in.

"i'm not telling you; i'm asking you," isaac sighed. "i'm asking for your advice."

"from me? why?"

"because i trust you."


"because you always seem to want to do the right thing."

broken betas// isaac lahey teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now