Chapter 22

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Dustin slowed as he approached the pile of rubble where the magical artifact had fallen, and hence where Nathan stood and conversed with two would-be attackers. The area couldn't be more difficult to navigate, littered with massive shards of stone from the former wall, many of which could easily kill a man if he fell wrong. A few of the rock segments had even settled precariously atop one another, poised to fall at any moment and crush any hapless soul beneath.

So after carefully maneuvering his way through much of the maze of rubble, Dustin concealed himself behind a particularly jagged spire of stone to listen in on Nathan's conversation with the two figures, occasionally peeking out as well to get a glimpse of them. The sorcerer in the burgundy cloak had reddish-brown hair descending almost to his shoulders, with a subtle beard to match, and a narrow, angular face befitting a man of villainy. Accurately so, if the rebels' many stories were to be believed.

The sorcerer's partner stood significantly shorter, and sported a robust figure as opposed to the other's longer form. His hair was far longer, black in color. In every way, his appearance fit the description of a typical member of the Marcocian ethnicity—tanned skin, dark hair, and a certain strong facial structure. One exception to the stereotype popped out, however. The man sported brilliant blue eyes like someone from much farther north.

"The years have treated you well, Sir Korynn." the sorcerer said in a silky tone, "You have aged with distinction."

Nathan frowned. "How would you know that? Have I ever known you?"

"Of course you have! I am Tanuk, former student of the great Andre Feliz! You and I battled together in youth!"

"Oh, you're that boy. I must say the years have treated you well too."

Tanuk gracefully bowed. "Exceptional flattery, coming from such a man as yourself. And do you know who stands beside me now?"


"My very own student, Sir Korynn! His name is Paulo Feliz."

Dustin found himself as intrigued as Nathan appeared to be. Monterayne had long known that the legendary Lord Andre Feliz had begotten a son, and King Manfred had attempted everything in his power to find the child and show him compassion. Allegedly, Andre's dying words had been for there to be no feud between the Felizes and Ricklands, and that Andre's son should be given the opportunity to live the life in Monterayne he had left behind. But he hadn't succeeded, and given Tanuk had found him first, it appeared the lines had already been drawn.

"No relation, I assume." Nathan said in a jesting tone, taking Dustin back to the matter at hand.

"Oh no, Sir Korynn, he is in every way a son of his father, poised to partake of similar glory and possibly higher esteem."

"Thanks to your masterful teaching, no doubt."

"I admit I play no small part in his successes, but—" Tanuk paused. "We are getting off topic. I know very well you stand there, keeping me from that which is rightfully mine."

Nathan quirked a brow. "And what might that be?"

"The olive branch of Dove, god of war!"

"Are Innutuk's countless gods not enough for you? Perhaps the god of elegance could give you a smokin' haircut."

"Alconte was once home to powerful gods, Sir Korynn. I would be foolish to deprive myself of their aid."

"Tell me this, then." Nathan scratched his beard thoughtfully. "If Alconte's gods are so powerful, then why did the Republic fall?"

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