The Detonation

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The morning of the detonation finally arrived and we were all excited. Phil had his choice crew to help with the bomb. Chad, David and himself. They headed out super early to spread the bodies around as well as set the bomb up. I was given the job of radio duty. The signal from the other survivors, was two silent transmissions from each. As soon as I had a total of six of them I was to then relay the message to Phil. who would give his detonation countdown and the bombs would be set off. After they set off I got to my position and waited for everything to get going. I was nervous. If something went wrong, someone could die it the zombies wouldn't be dead. We couldn't afford to have that happen. I sat there playing with Levi while Phoebe sat with me. Her job was to help with Levi so I could focus in the radio. The first signal came through. I marked it down and waited for five more. About a half hour later the second and third came through. It was taking a little longer than I anticipated but it was worth the wait. The last three can in close together. I sent the signal through. He then started the countdown and Phoebe called everyone down into the safe room. After the countdown I was to wait for report back from them. I knew when the bomb went off, it shook the building. Scaring me half to death. still hi radio communication. That scared me the most. I began to pace
"We are safe. Well two of us are. We should be there soon. Keep watch." Philip voice came through the radio.
I couldn't believe that someone died. I moved to the door and vegan watching for the truck. The longer they took, the more nervous I became. I was scared that David died and I would have to tell Phoebe and Riley. Finally the truck came into view and I waited as they parked and ran for the building. I opened the door and they came rushing in. Phil and David were alive. Chad had been the casualty in this. Phil looked upset.
"Chad, fell out of the bed of the truck after the explosion. He landed and snapped his neck. There was nothing we could do to save him." David said as the others joined us in the hall. Phoebe came running to him and the others looked like they were upset. I took Levi from Riley and hugged him. I needed his closeness. He grounded me. I walked upstairs to look over damage, holding him close. There wasn't any damage, hot a mess of a few thing falling from the after shock of the explosion. I held Levi as I began the task of cleaning up the mess. Slowly the others joined in and helped. We had become a unit and everyone took a part and kept at it until the job was done. Finally we were able to relax. The blinds were open and we waited to see if any zombies passed us by. Nothing happened. The day drew on and we found ourselves getting nervous. Phil had remained in the lab to wait radio confirmation of other destinations as well as survivors. I kept busy with Levi and preparing for leaving this place. I packed most of our nonessential belongings. Kade helped when he could. He bathed Levi and helped David cook dinner.
"It's amazing knowing we are so close to the end but can't quite wait to get there." Said Phoebe as she helped me stack boxes.
"I know, it's hard waiting. I want to go out there now, but I know we can't yet." I said, "Part if me wishes this was instant but I know it's not."
"I can't believe we lost Chad. He was so nice."
"He was amazing with everything. I wish they could have saved him."
"Dad says that he tried, but his neck was snapped. He said Phil wanted to save him but couldn't."
"Levi liked him. He could always make him smile. But we will have to remember him, like we remember Terry, Riley, Brian, Alisa, my mom, Cara."
"We will remember him. He didn't deserve to die, but at least wasn't to a zombie attack."
"I am grateful for that."
I finished packing and headed out as dinner was finished. We all ate and talked about the next three days. Who would do what, who would handle what. Anything that mattered. We even planned who would travel to the houses and make sure they are clean for our arrival. Phil didn't join us, he was still busy in the lab. This was expected as he wanted to write everything he did down so we would know how to fix this again if it happened again. As we called it a night, everyone said goodnight and went to their rooms. Kade and I went into ours and smiled as we looked at our son who was asleep.
"This is almost over, and it's going to be safe for him. We can have a happy normal life." Said Kade.
"We don't know that yet. I want to be sure it's safe before he leaves this place." I said to him.
"I agree, that's why I am going to volunteer for the first trip to the houses and into town. I have to see that for myself."
I knew he was trying to keep Levi safe, but I felt saddened that Riley and my mom couldn't see this. They had died because of Phil and how couldn't see that this was how I helped end it. I thought back to how I could have saved my mother with one shot. I could have saved Riley, if I had remained at the cabin instead if running away. That was the day I found out I was pregnant. That was the day Levi changed me.

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