The Breech

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The blaring alarms woke us all up. I went running while Phoebe and Riley calmed Levi down. I followed Phil, David, Chad, and Kade down to the stairs. Something had tripped the alarms. Upon arrival we saw that the gate had been broken in and zombies were filling the fields and gate. I was in shock. I saw a truck driving off and I recognized the driver. Morgan. Phil and I ran to the lab and grabbed a small bomb of cure and there it outside and watched it exploded. Slowly the zombies fell to the ground and died. Kade and David went back upstairs and that left Phil Chad and I to figure out our next move.
"Morgan, it was Morgan." I said, "We need to secure this place before she comes back again."
"I'll look and see what kind of things we have to fix what we can." Said Chad.
"Well since I am awake, I will be finishing the bomb as best as I can until tomorrow when we have to prepare for detonation." Said Phil.
"I'll enlist Kade and David to clear a path for the truck so we can get out there. We need to begin burning the bodies." I said.
"Okay, if you need help let me know. I shouldn't be too long. Hopefully we don't need to go into town for supplies. Maybe we should scout for Morgan." Said Chad.
"If she drew the zombies here, then she has to be close. That was a smallish herd. She has to be close watching us." I said.
Phil nodded, "But she is dangerous and needs to be treated with care. We can't afford to loose anyone right now. Let's all go up and see who wants to help out with clean up and fixing."
We follow him upstairs and I wait as he gathers everyone in the living area. I knew one person would have to stay back with,Levi, as he is still capable if catching this zombie virus. Phil would be in the lab, Chad would be checking supplies, and I would be doing clean up. Kade offered to help me. David changeling me as well. Phoebe is helping Chad and Riley is staying with Levi. We set out to do our jobs. Kade grabbed the oil for burning the bodies and David and I began making a path out to the burning fields. As we were pulling the bodies we saw a small herd coming our direction. We fell to the ground and watched as they continues on their way. They didn't look our direction. They seemed disgusted and didn't want to be near our area. They moved past and David and I looked at each other.
"The smell of dead zombies repels them. This can be used to our advantage. Let's go tell Phil." I said.
We headed toward the entrance and Kade met up with us. We walked into the lab and Phil looked up concerned.
"A small herd of zombies walked past here just now. They seemed to be repelled by the smell of dead zombies. Maybe we could use them to repel them away from here as well as the detonation site." Said David.
"That is a good idea. I am going to contact the other survivors and make sure we are all on schedule. Once we do that we have to rush. Two says until detonation and that's so close. We need to be prepared." Said Phil.
I nod and head back outside. We begun to clear a path for the trucks and trailers. We piled bodies onto one trailer and the others near the opening in the fence. It took all day for us to clear the paths and move the bodies around. Chad didn't find much in the way if stuff to repair the gate. So he built a wooden and metal gate. I helped him mount it in place an screamed a latch for it to stick to. We moved inside when Dungeness done. I are quickly so I could get back to work. Our gardens were ruined and we needed to rip out the plants and abandon the plots for a new space. Kade held Levi while we all ate. I took him for a few minutes to feed him then headed back outside to work. As I reached the doors I saw Morgan running toward us. She had blood running down get head. I didn't go outside. We watched as she became over run by zombies. Her screams reached my ears as I saw them begin to bite at her. Before long the zombies began to drop and die. I watched Morgan begin to jerk around and stop moving.
"Go get Phil. I need to go check on her." I said.
I ran outside and ran as fast as I could to Morgan. I checked her neck for a pulse and checked for breathing. She didn't have a pulse and she wasn't breathing. Phil reached us.
"They attacked her before dying. She was alive but died as well. The same reactions as the zombies. The cure kills anyone who is even slightly infected." I told him as he checked her for signs of life.
"Well that's a good thing. Add her body to the pile. Make sure it's hidden from Riley. We don't need her freaking out just yet." He said and headed back inside.
I helped David pull her host to a pile and bury it deep inside. It was growing dark so we needed to work fast. I finished with the bodies and headed inside. I stopped in the lab to see if Phil needed help with the bomb it anything. He didn't so I headed upstairs for a shower and cuddles with Levi. I took a deep breath as I fed him to calm my nerves. I was afraid if what would happen. It took those zombies long precious minutes to die in the cure affected air. It wouldn't be there for long, it would be moved somewhere else. We needed to focus on getting the bomb ready as well as supplies for three days after the detonation. We would be stick inside for three days and preparing for life after the zombies. Most of us were going to a small bundle of houses not far away. Phil and Chad were going to remain at the lab to continue work on things we would need engineered to survive. We would have a truck for runs and a field to grow food in. We had been lucky with harvest, we had enough left over for seed harvest. We all had jobs for those three days to keep us busy and not focused in being stuck inside. We were ready for the end.

A Survivors Story of The Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now