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A month before the outbreak

I walked to my car with Alisa following close behind. The sky was a brilliant blue as I watched birds fly overhead. We got in the car and headed toward the elementary school to get Riley and Bryan. My mom was working late and Alisas mom had to go to the store so it was up to us to collect the kids. When we arrived at the school cops were there and I became worried. Alisa looked around. The kids weren't where they usually were when we came to get them. I parked and ran inside. The office was busy with police officers and the office staff. They all stopped.
"What's going on? Im here to collect my sister." I told them.
"Your sister? What's her name?" Asked the nearest officer.
"Riley Rhodes." I told her.
"Your sister went missing after lunch recess today. We have seen searching for her and we haven't found her yet." The officer told me.
"What do you mean went missing? Someone took her?" I demanded.
"We don't think anyone took her. We thing that maybe she wandered off into the woods and got lost." Says the officer.
"Why wasn't my mother reached about this? Why wasn't I?" I demanded.
"We have been trying your mother. She isn't answering her phone. We have a search party out looking for her now. Please stay here and maybe you could reach your mother."
I was led to a chair as Alisa and Bryan walked by. She looked worried as she came in. I handed her my keys and told her I would call her and let her know as soon as I knew anything. I would catch a ride home with my mom. I began calling my moms cell and office numbers. No answer.
I dialed the receptionist at my mothers office, "Reception, how can I help you?"
"This is Evelyns daughter, Jupiter. I need to speak to her now. It's important about bet youngest daughter." I said.
"She has been in a meeting all day. Would you like me to pull her out?" She asked me.
"One moment."
She places me I'm hold and I couldn't help but let the tears fall. Riley was missing and no one had found her in hours.
"Jupiter, what's wrong? I was in a meeting." She said.
"Mom, Riley is missing. The school and police have been trying to reach you since noon. Please come to the school." I said.
"Are you serious? I am on my way. I will have to fire Amanda it looks like." She said and hung up on me.
"She's on her way." I told the officer.

Screaming had woken me up. I jumped up and pulled my gun and ran toward the sound. David, Kade, and Taylor met me outside the kids room. Alisa and Phoebe came out and I could see the room was empty. I rushed in and searched it. They were gone. The window was open and it was getting light outside.

"Taylor and I will look near the river. Kade you and Jupiter take to the woods. Alisa and Phoebe search the cars and everyone look for signs of the infected. Blood anything. We have to find them." Said David.

I rushed into action, grabbing my bow and series and another gun. I was out the door before Kade had his guns on. He caught up to me and we quickly started our search. I saw their tracks leading into the woods. I followed them while keeping an eye out for any sign of them. I didn't see any.

"Any sign?" Came Davids voice.

"I grabbed a walkie." Said Kade, "We have their tracks but nothing yet."

"Okay, we haven't seen anything.,I will join you in the woods as soon as I get back to the cabin. Keep looking."

I walked a little further and saw a shoe. I walked forward to it and realized it belonged to Bryan. I began looking around. Leaving the shoe as a point of reference. Kade scanned the trees while I searched the ground.

"We found a shoe. No other signs." Reported Kade.

"Who does it belong to?" Came Alisas voice.

A Survivors Story of The Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now