The Family

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Two months later (December)

I was getting an ultrasound done when it happened. Phil had just told me I was having a boy when the alarm went off. Phil quickly cleaned me up and I went with him to the first level to see what was going on. I was five months along and I could still help. Once we got to the first floor, I saw three women standing at the gate. I pointed it out to Phil and he took the keys and headed out to let them in. I waited at the door for them to come through and once they were in Phil and I took them into the lab on the first floor to look them over for scratches. I took them one by one into a small bathroom.

"What are you looking for?" Asked the first girl, Morgan.

"I am looking for scratches or bites. We don't want to allow any one infected to mix with others." I told her.

"So, if we have any sores you keep us here?" She demanded

"We keep you down in this room and treat your wound."

"I set. My sisters will be scared. Mind if I come in with them?"

"Not at all."

She had no wounds. We grabbed Riley first. When I started looking over her I saw a few scratches on her arms.

"Those came from branches in the woods." Morgan told me.

"I think you should leave." I told her. She left and I turned back to Riley. "Where did those scratches really come from?"

"Zombies. Ones Morgan kept as pets." She informed me.

"Pets? What happened to them and how long ago were you scratched?"

"I was scratched this morning. I busted into her home for them and let them loose. One scratched me as it passed. Morgan doesn't want any trouble she just wanted to keep me safe."

"Do you have any other scratches?"

"No. Just these."

I nod and inform Phil of her status and take Cara in and examine her. She had scratches on her back and arms. I knew that this was from the zombies that Riley set free. I notes them to Phil and helped administer the cure. Morgan was glaring at us as we worked.

"Morgan, you may step out for a moment. We need to do seething and that requires privacy." I told her. She went out and I turned to Phil. "She kept zombies as pets."

"Kept them as pets? That's crazy. Maybe we should cure these two and make them leave. They don't need to be here if Morgan keeps zombies as pets." He said.

"I don't want to leave. Riley and I have been hoping that someone would let us stay. Morgan is the one who wants to keep them as pets. We didn't want to but she made us help. We don't want to be with her anymore." Said Cara.

"Is she really your sister?" I asked them.

"No, her father kidnapped us twelve years ago. Then when he died she kept us and did what he did." She said. "When the zombies attacked she wanted us to be with her so she threatened us with those zombies she kept as pets. Now we can be free."

Phil left the room as I finished strapping them to the tables and checked their vitals. Kade came in and looked upset. I went to him he pulled me aside.

"There is a crew taking Morgan back out to town. They said she is dangerous. After we dispose of her we will stop at a hospital and get supplies for the birth." He said, "I just want you to know. I have to go with them. David and Phil are staying behind, Chad Richard and I are taking her. We made it sound like we are taking her to a place she can scout out to keep them safe."

"Be careful please. I don't want to have to raise our son alone." I said.

"Son? We have a son?"

I nodded and he kissed me. Then he left and I got back to work on making notes on the girls. They didn't have fevers and seemed okay but I knew that it could change quickly. Riley was sleeping. I knew because I checked bet pulse and breathing. Cara was awake and keeping an eye on her.

"Will this make us better?" She asked me.

"If we administered it soon enough yes. Riley said you guys were scratched this morning. Is that true?" I asked her.

"Yes, it was Riley who made the plan to release the zombies from the barn and we ended up scratched. Morgan was angry. She best us because we let her pets out. Then she forced us to walk here. She knew of this place and had been scouting it out for weeks. She wanted to come here but had to be sure no one would recognize us." She said as Phil came in.

"How are they looking?" He asked.

"Riley fell asleep and Cara has a fever." I said, "Even with the medicine, her fever developed and won't go down."

"Let me look her over and see what we can do." He said and began looking Cara over.

I sat with Riley as he worked on Cara. I hadn't noticed but she was loosing her color fast. She was turning gray. The zombie had given her a infection other than their own and she was dying p.m. I just hoped Riley stayed asleep long enough for her sister to die. I didn't want her to see it. Phil worked fast trying to get control of the fever. He had a grim look on his face. I knew we were loosing the battle with Cara. After an hour or so of working on her she died. Just died. Didn't come back as a zombie or anything, like we thought. Phil free some blood because what ever infection she had caught had stopped the zombie infection and that was a step in the right direction. David came in to burn her body and we turned our attention to Riley. Phil smiled as she began to wake with no sign of fever and seemed healthy. He would keep her for the night to be sure she was fine, he sent me up to our floor to relax. I was becoming tired and everything felt swollen all the time. The extra rest helped me feel better. I reached my floor and found Phoebe sewing baby clothes out of old uniforms given to her by Phil. It made me smile. She looked up and showed me a pair of pants she had made.

"It's a blue.." I tell her.

"I knew it. That's why I've been making boy clothes." She says, "So dad said we had visitors. A family?"

"It's all true only it wasn't a family. The leader of the group had kidnapped the younger girls. Well kept them after her father kidnapped them twelve years ago. Kade, Richard and Chad took the leader to drop her away from here. We lost one of the girls. She had an infection that stopped the zombie change from happening. Phil is working with that. The other girl seemed fine when I left. They were so young." I said.

"Well Phil will do his best. Some of us have to die in order to find the cure. This my dad and I know. We are prepared to die for the cause."

"You can't die. I want you to be there when I have this baby. You have helped so much since the beginning. With Riley and Bryan."

"They were good kids. I just wish they wouldn't have been bitten and died. They were so small. I miss them every single say. I often think about how we would handle everything if they were here. But then I remember that without them we wouldn't have found Phil."

"I know. I think about that too.I think about how she will never know my baby and he will never know him."

A Survivors Story of The Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now