The First Fatality

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"If there is anyone out there listening OP to this, I am Phil Johnson. The scientist behind this epidemic. I am greatly sorry for the havoc this has caused. I am working on multiple different cures as we speak. It's hard for me to admit, but I am scared there is no fixing this. I have a few tests running as we speak and should know those results within a few days. At which time I will be making another announcement of weather it was successful or not. I hope I am successful. I fear the infection has spread through every country, every city, everything on this earth. There are too many people infected. I apologize to those survivors I hope are listening. I am greatly sorry. My work will continue."

I stood there listening to his words like they were my lifeline. He was experimenting with a cure. There was still hope. Though that had been shadowed by the fact that it had taken over the entire world. It had been Alisas turn on watch duty. I had begged for a different chore for her but no one would listen. Not even Alisa. None of the infected had showed up at our camp yet. It was only a matter of time before some showed up. It was then that Alisa came running in announcing that there were some heading for the house. We all grabbed our guns and headed outside. We took our battle stations and began taking the things out. There were a bunch of them, I would say about twenty. I was covering Alisa because she wasn't hitting them in the head. Soon there was a scream from Terry. I ran to him and shot the infected off of him. He had a bite on his forearm. I closed my eyes and looked to David. He had stopped shooting. The pack was gaining ground. We all went back to shooting at them. I sighed when the last was gunned down. I made my way over to Terry. He was burning up with fever, at that point. We took him inside and laid him I'm the couch. I got a cook tag and pressed it onto his head. My mother put a tourniquet on his arm. He was asleep. The crying came next. The screams were deafening and scared the children. Alisa had taken them to the basement tone away from the noise. I stated with him through the screams of pain and terror. Before I knew what was happening, he stopped breathing. David knew. He grabbed his sons hand and began crying.

"I am so sorry for your loss." I said as I hugged him.

"Thanks." He mumbled.

A growl sounded and stopped all conversation. We looked around. The growl came again this time a little louder. I look down as Terry opens his eyes. His skin was gray and his eyes were white and blank. He moaned again and pulled on Davids arm. David yanked his arm back. He grabbed for his gun and pointed it at Terry. His hand shook so bad he couldn't aim.

"Hurry, kill it." Cried Kade. "He will kill us without a thought."

"Do it. Someone do it." David said on a son and turned back.

It was then I felt the fear of death. Terry was getting off the couch. Kade pointed his gun at Terrys head and pulled the trigger. The sound of the shot made me jump. The thump of Terrys body hitting the floor made it all real.

"Go see Phoebe. She went to the basement. She needs to know." I told him. "We will bury him."

David nodded and walked to the basement. I walked toward Kade.

"Will burying him here work? Would it contaminate the soil?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I mean he was bitten so there is one way to pass it. Maybe it would. But we promised David we would bury him. Besides we won't be here long enough to settle and grep anything. David wants to get south fast." Kade told me.

"But what is going south going to do? There is no where else to go. You heard the scientist. It's everywhere. Maybe we should stay. If we bury him that compromises our food source. Let's burn him and I can explain to David." I said as Phoebe came into the room.

"Burn him. Daddy said burn him." She said and walked out again.

The thought of burning a friend made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't picture even burning someone I didn't like. I knew we had to do it. It was something that couldn't be changed. But it had to be done. I helped carry Terry out and into the field. We looked around and I saw the massive amounts of infected bodies laying across the front lawn. We would need to burn them too.

"We need to burn those too." He told me.

"I was just thinking that. Let's use one of the trucks. To load them and bring them out." I suggested.

He agreed. I hoped that if we moved fast enough we could burn them during daylight. We moved as fast as we could and got the bodies all stacked and ready. We went back to my truck for a gas can when David and my mom came out.

"That's enough work for today. We need to talk. All of us inside. Let's go." My mother told us.

We followed them inside and I saw Riley and Bryan eating at the dining table. They led up into the living room. I say down beside my mother and Alisa.

"We need to make a decision. Do we stay or do we go. They have taken one of ours from us. We can't let that be the kids next." Said David.

"I think we should stay. This is big enough for us all. We've lived here together for a week. We have plenty if land to grow our own food on. This is home." I told them.

"How can we secure it from another pack? We can't. We need to move on." Says my mother.

"Is leaving really what's best. Where will we go?" Kade asked.

"Staying isn't safe. We have to move on. I was thinking heading south until we left Michigan. Maybe it isn't so bad in states where they didn't have a volunteer." Said David.

"We could try Indiana or Ohio. But I think that Kentucky or Tennessee would be our best bet. It's half way to Florida from here and should be safe." Alisa said calmly.

"I agree. We need to clear out as soon as possible. Let's begin packing and loading up. It's time we leave." Said David.

"You just lost Terry. Don't you want to stay a little while longer?" I asked him.

He shook his head and heeded for the watch room. The rest of us went into the basement and started packing your supplies. I helped Riley with her things.

"Why are we leaving? It is cause Terry died?" She asked me.

"We are leaving cause it's not safe here. If a bunch of those things found us then more will follow. We need to leave before more come back." I told her.

She accepted that and continued to pack. We finished and loaded our things until truck. I topped off the gas and waited for everyone else. The came trickling out of the house. The kids, Alisa, and my mom were in my car. The three of us had a him and extra ammo. We followed David out of the yard and down the road. The sun was setting and the sky was turning black. We didn't stop after the dark took the sky. We kept driving. We passed abandoned cars, bunches of infected, dead bodies, and more abandoned cars. I was driving and everyone else in my carves asleep. The walkie talkie I had been given went off.
"How you fling back there?" Davids voice came through.

"Fine, they are asleep." I answered.
"Good, I want to keep pushing forward. There is clear highway ahead. Are you okay to drive still?" He asked me again.

"For at least another hour. Then I'll wake my mom or Alisa and switch with them." I told him.
"Okay, we will push onward then."

I set the walkie back down and focused on the road. I wasn't tired just feeling bored without music or someone to talk to. I didn't mind the quiet. It gave me time to think of how I was going to provide for our group. We would need more food as soon as they settled. They would need more cots as well. They only had four. Kade and Terry had given up theirs for Riley and Bryan. Maybe a run into the town close to their new camp was a good shot.

Jaded voice came through the walkie, "Hello, Indiana!"

"Yeah I know." I said back.
"Dave, I need to switch drivers. Jupiter can you wake Alisa and your mom and have one of them switch with me?" Kade asked me.

"Of course."

I woke both of them and my mom said she would switch with Kade. Alisa switched with me and I settled in as we started moving. I didn't dream. I didn't hear anything. I just slept.

A Survivors Story of The Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now