whispers pt.2

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some things don't follow the movie. I changed them to make this imagine.

 I changed them to make this imagine

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paul atreides' pov

duncan knew I was speaking seriously.
the next day we left for dune just the two of us.
my father didn't know I was leaving early, and it was better that way.

we got off our helicopter and there was no wind.
the air was dry and hot.
hot to die for.

we took shelter in the shade.

"paul, the air here is almost unbreathable. we both have to wear a stillsuit"
"a stillsuit. is a full body suit that will recycle our sweat, turning it into drinking water that we could drink"
"cool" I replied.

the only thought on my mind was her. I couldn't think of anything else. it was fixed, a goal that I had to reach at any cost.

"my lord." a woman said, kneeling in front of me. "come on liet, get up. he's not a duke yet." duncan said laughing. the woman stood up. "paul, this is liet-kynes. she knows dune like the back of her hand and she knows how to fight." duncan introduced me gladly. she smiled slightly. she wore the stillsuit.

"I must provide duke leto's son with a stillsuit." she said. getting inside a large structure.

"paul, now we would sleep here. we will go to see this woman later." duncan said, arranging his many weapons in one room. "keep, future duke. you have to put this on later, when you go out into the desert. I advise you to sleep well tonight and to leave early tomorrow morning, when the desert is still not hot." she said. I just nodded and smiled slightly.


I whirled around. the voice. her voice. it was her. she called me from the desert. the sand was moving due to the slight breeze that had started a short time ago.

I moved, putting myself under the sun, to see if I could see her.


she kept whispering my name, softly, kindly, and confidently.

"paul! what are you doing?! the sun will burn you at this time of day! go back to the shade." cried duncan. "but she's calling me." I replied. "that woman is just giving us trouble. she's a killer." added duncan. "what woman duncan." liet said happily. "a stupid fremen who appears in the erotic dreams of our future duke and he, like a horny boy, chases her."

"I'm not a horny kid. she-" I began to speak in defense. "stop it. now go to sleep and don't go out without my permission." duncan interrupted me. "I am the son of the duke-"

"yes, but you don't know how to behave like one." he replied, interrupting me again.

with those words, he walked away, leaving me there. alone.

"you must know paul, that those women can be dangerous yes, but they are also loyal. do you know what it means when they appear in a dream?"
liet asked happily, making me re-enter the large structure.

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