1- intruder

18 0 0

7 am, Tuesday morning, and naturally, Annya was asleep at her desk during a lecture that was the textbook definition of dull. Some classes really weren't meant to be morning classes. One of which is economy101, taught by the driest fucker, Mr. Scatzman was very well known around the university for his quiet and monotone voice. Annya's head was laying on her outstretched arms on her desk when all of a sudden, she felt something hit her prompting her to jolt up, ready for attack. Looking around, she was brought back to the present where everyone around was either falling asleep or working on homework for other classes.

There was only one guy that was making eye contact with her, clearly waiting for her to notice him. When she did, he gestured to the front of the room where her professor was looking dead at her waiting for an answer to his question. Of course, this was the time he decided to host class participation. She took a quick look at the slideshow that was projected on the screen behind him and correctly guessed the question as well as the answer. Mr. Scatzman looked impressed but shot her a warning look before he went on with his lesson.

Annya let out a sigh of relief, going back to her previous position, but didn't miss the small chuckle coming in the direction of the boy who she was sure threw whatever woke her. She held herself up with her elbows on the desk and ran her fingers through her straight blond hair; there was a whole hour left before they were to be dismissed. She let out another sigh, again silently declaring that she would slaughter her brother when she got home. Whenever the hell that will be. She thought, and opened her textbook to the page the professor was addressing. Another paper plane landed gently on her desk with the phrase "open me" written on it. Cute. she wanted to smile, but she was taught by the best to keep her face expressionless except around loved ones.

With an eye roll, she did as the paper said only to see the numbers 184, which she assumed to be the page number when she was correct. She looked back at the boy waiting for him to look at her and gave him a slight nod of thanks, to which he gave her an attractive smile.

The next hour seemed to last eight, and as soon as they were dismissed, she was the first one out the door. Before she could get out of the building, she heard a honey sounding deep voice call out after her. She was hoping he wasn't referring to her but turned around non the less. It was the boy who helped her.

He was about a head or so taller than her with his dark skin glowing like it was photoshopped and a smile to match. His eyes were a light brown and she guessed he had a nice physique based on how the shirt was tighter around his biceps and shoulders and hung loose everywhere else, he goes to the gym frequently. She mentally concluded. His knuckles seemed callused and slightly injured. Fighter, she thought. probably street fighter, based on the damage. He moved gracefully. Too grateful for his size. He's a fair fighter. She's seen better, of course, but she doesn't pass up a chance to admire. She kept her face blank and unimpressed, turning to fully face him.

"Hey, thanks for the heads up" she paused looking away before meeting his eyes again. "twice" she didn't want to prolong the conversation. She didn't want friends, but enemies are dangerous; especially now.

"Yeah, no worries. You just always run out of this class like a bat outta hell I never got the chance to say hey" his voice was deep and husky, and very smooth. He was attractive, but not worth getting involved with for more than a night.

"Well, regardless," she said shortly and turned back around to walk to her car.

"Hey wait. Where are you from?" he asked, chasing her. No doubt he heard her slight Russian accent.

"Up north" she was impressed that he was able to keep pace, but not surprised. He runs, she looks back to check his endurance. A mile a day, at least. she noted. Maybe for a scholarship, but she didn't feel comfortable assuming details, when she didn't have enough information.

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