Do You Wish To Serve? - Jack Gourdon x The Cube Queen

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Sorry that I haven't made anything in a week or so, I was just relaxing during thanksgiving break. This one is for me :) I absolutely love the Cube Queen and she doesn't get enough attention. Decided to put my two favorites together.

The Island is corrupted. As the Convergence crackles with dark energy, a pyramid begins to build itself from the chunks of the cubes. The tall pillars holding up what once was the golden cube, now the tip of the structure. Above it floats her majesty, the blight of reality itself, the Cube Queen. She cackles as her protective orb continues to constantly emit ear shattering noises. Now with I.O. in shambles, trying to get back on their feet after the Kymera invasion, the Loopers are in the middle of building a makeshift fort to prepare for the Queen's inevitable onslaught.

"Come on, we don't have much longer! We need to get this stronghold done before her next attack." J.B. Chimpanski shouted, getting everyone to focus up and help build the shanty keep. Jack Gourdon, one of the builders, stops and stares at the Pyramid. He does not want to fight, due to the fact that they are unprepared and lacking sufficient resources to survive the 20 foot tall Caretakers, but there was another reason. He saw the Queen as someone who had no one, and instead of trying to cooperate with people, obliterates them out of her own emotion. She isn't the first threat he's seen. He's survived ice storms, volcanic eruptions, giant monsters, and even a black hole. He wants to try and get her to see that she is more than just a monster, even if it means risking his own skin. Jack stood, up and ran to his car, Chimpanski running to the window.

"Jack what are you doing? We don't have time for this." He said, commanding him to leave the car.

"I'm going to speak to her, or at the least, try." Gourdon responded. Chimpanski was shocked and just shook his head.

"Your funeral." The space chimp walked away, letting Jack leave.

He made it to the edge of the Cubetown, the four large supports forming a pyramid leading up to the Queen. This is the first time he got a clear view of her. He was completely stunned at her beauty. Without realizing, a Caretaker picked up his car and began shaking it around, bashing it against the cube walls. Jack managed to break out and fall to the ground. Just as the monstrous being was about to bash down and crush the pumpkin-clad assassin, it stopped and backed away as if it was called off. It was the Queen, gently walking down a never ending stair case. She finally reached the ground and slammed her staff into the ground.

"I am surprised you were let off your leash, and even more impressive is that you actually survived long enough to reach my kingdom. So what is it? I have caught you staring at me more than once from that pathetic attempt of a 'defense', you clearly can't keep your eyes off me." The Queen said, full of herself as always. Jack said nothing but got to his feet, wiping the dirt off his jacket. He wasn't afraid of her and showed no signs of being so. When he got up his eyes were locked onto her, she was even more beautiful up close. Her eyes soulless, and black as void, yet still had the small blue cubes to represent her pupils to give light on where she was looking. Her bright white armor with glowing blue and purple accents to give her the perfection of royalty. Jack cleared his throat.

"I've come with an offer." He said, standing tall. "You leave the Island be, and you can have me."

The Queen laughed. "Really? You wish to serve? I knew you would begin to grovel at my boot." She exclaimed, pointing her staff into Gourdon's chest. "Tell me why I shouldn't turn you into a nice pumpkin pie right now, whelp."

"I can serve if you want me too." He said, cutting himself off before getting to the point. "However I've come to talk. I think you're more than a warmongering terror. You're special."

The Queens frown turned into a face of surprise, then thought. "Fine, I'll humor your frivolous request. Your words won't halt the unstoppable armageddon." She signaled for the Cube monsters to leave them be, and allow them to stand by themselves. She waved her hand and from the ground formed two chairs, shaped from shards of the cubes. They sat, the Queen put her staff down by her side and folded her legs. "What do you think I am?"

"You're beautiful." He whispered but catches himself. "I mean more than meets the eye." Jack stumbles out his words, trying not to seem like an obsessive cultist, the Island had enough of those, but her entire demeanor spoke to him. He was originally an assassin for hire and would do any job for the money, devoid of emotion. She was the Queen of darkness and empress of the embodiment of evil, and she was also devoid of emotion (other than humoring herself). She chuckled.

"I am merely ridding reality of you, people a cancer to the Omniverse. So I am practically helping you." She smiled. Jack couldn't get enough of her self indulgence. She was so confident in her role as the villain it was almost cute. "Do you even know what I.O. is up to? They treat you like mice." She said, sounding somewhat concerned, however most likely not.

"Yeah, but someone as powerful as you can surely stop what's left of their forces. You are quite literally a goddess." Jack said. She laughed, then looked directly at him.

"Your different than the others, they all fear me, but you somehow don't. Why?" She puzzled him.

"Your beauty outweighs my fear, and I kinda enjoy it." He lightheartedly answered. She chuckled once again.

"You're adorable. So much fun packed into one person, perfect for me." She said as she stands up and outreaches her hand to his. "What's your name?" Jack stood up, taking off his pumpkin head.

"I'm Jack Gourdon, but you can call me Jack, or Gourdon, or whatever you'd like I won't judge." She smirked again as he took her hand and kissed it. He clearly was getting to her somehow. The truth is that he never cared about 'stopping her' or 'talking her out of it' as it's just the way she is, and he loved her for it. Someone who has the power to match the ego, now THAT is sexy.

"Truly a gentleman. I would have never seen myself falling for some Looper, you really know how to make a girl smile." She said, dropping her staff, causing it to dissolve into small purple cubes that begin to roll on the ground. She swoops him off his feet and carries him bridal style and begins to float back up to her orb. They enter as she turns to him and gives him a passionate kiss. She lets him go, leaving him completely in awe at what she did. She placed her hand upon his chin and made eye contact. His orange eyes met with hers in a moment of connection.

"How would you like to be royalty?" She asked him. Maybe the 'terror of reality' is more than just a emotionless pit after all.

I absolutely enjoyed making this one! I will propose do a follow up after I get through a few more requests! I'm super excited for the next chapter and what the Cube Queen will do!

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