Last Thing We Need - Agent Jones x Dr. Slone

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This takes place before the events of C2S4 around the device event.

Jones was walking to his office to call the top dogs of the Imagined Order. One of their worst fears has been realized. A looper, a single individual completely defied the storm causing a catastrophic disaster in the Bridge. Luckily Jones was ready to act and called for the storm to be replaced with water, temporarily stopping the events from unfolding. Jones picks up the phone and begins to dial.

"What the hell was that, Jones? Do you even know what you were doing!?" The woman on the line said. "If he hears about this." It was Dr. Slone, someone who outranks Jones but not by a whole bunch.

"Relax I handled it, alright, and if you wanna punish me come see me cause you and I both know that I saved everyone's job. I expect an apology." Jones smug and snarky tone always. Slone rolled her eyes and hung up the phone. She turns to one of the guards in her office.

"Jones always has something to say huh?" She asked, the guard didn't respond as an attempt to keep his job. "Like, he always has gotta make himself seem as if he's a hot shot." She kept rambling to herself, but she knew that it was working. Ever since Jones began to dedicate weeks at a time to the Order, Slone has began to grow fond of his commitment. She sees someone who has that same drive and energy for what she thinks is the right thing. Everytime they see eachother in person, a rare occurrence, it's rather awkward as they are most often formal in most cases, usually with Jones making a mild flirt or telling her how good she is at her job. Slone is stoic and hard as a Boulder, but his quirky and lighthearted banter always manages to get through her tough exterior.

Time Skip - Closing Hours

Just as Slone was about to leave for the night, her dialup phone begging to ring, filling the silent air of the darkened office with noise. She picked it up, expecting [REDACTED] to pick up, but it was Jones. She was a little relieved, but thought he was just calling to tell her how he saved the day. He began to speak.

"H-hey, you uhh- you there?" He sounded nervous and was stuttering, something he never did before.

"Yeah, what do you want?" She responded, keeping her voice down

"I was uhh- wondering... if you were f-free tonight. Like it's totally fine if you aren't, I know that finding the seven isn't exactly the easiest job." On his side of the line, he was never this nervous before. He was in a sweat with a sticky note guiding him in what to say next. There was silence over the phone until he broke the awkwardness. "I know this seems kinda out of the blue but I re-really want to uhh"

"Go out? Is this your attempt at asking me out?" She said. She made it sound like she was mad, but she was really smiling.

"If you want to call it that. I mean the last thing we need is one of us skipping a day of work, especially you." He responded.

"Don't you know it's closing time, and that we are off for the next 3 days? Is your brain made of dirt or something, John?"

Jones began to panic. She could easily have him fired for stepping out of his line like this and that she didn't need to even talk to him. He began to apologize until he realized something.

"Did you just call me John?"

"That's your name? Isn't it? You really are that out of it." She giggled, she never shows this kind of emotion to anyone, even her family, but she felt like she could trust the desk jockey. He is a 'hero' after all. "Sure, I would love to go out. How about the food court in 10?"

Absolutely, ma'am! I'll be right there." He pooped up with excitement.

"Slone is fine." She reiterated.

"Right, Miss Slone." He said. She just rolled her eyes and hung up, heading out to meet him. Jones puts the phone down and pumps his fist, giving himself a silent victory dance.

Sorry it's shorter but I really have been quite busy with school projects. I will most likely make a part two whenever I'm done with my future ones. Thanks for waiting!

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