Chapter 16| Pandora and Paradox

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They arrived at Paradox island and everything was surrounded by paradoxes. All of them were very confused by the paradoxes as none of them were smart enough to know what it actually met.

Ralsei: This is all very confusing.

Berdly: You're telling me, even I can't figure this stuff out. Any ideas Noelle?

Noelle: Nope!

Susie: Then why are we here? can we just leave.

Ralsei: Oh yeah you do have a point.

When Ralsei tried to teleport them out of there, he couldn't so he tried again but to no avail they didn't get teleported.

Ralsei: That's weird, I can't teleport us out of here.

Kris: Have you used all of your teleports?

Ralsei: No, it's a spell, they can be used infinitely.

Kris: Weird.

Then suddenly a strange voice spoke up and told them if they were to teleport they would have to solve 3 paradoxes.

??????: In order for you to teleport you have to solve 3 paradoxes.

Ralsei: Who said that!?

??????: Do not worry, I will not harm you, I want to help you.

Susie: Why?

??????: Because I want to get out of here as well.

Everyone looked at each other in silence and decided to try and solve the paradoxes.

Susie: Fine, we'll solve them.

??????: Great! then let's begin!

The first paradox appeared in front of them.

Paradox 1: This statement is false.

Berdly: Wrong, it's true.

Paradox 1: Then wouldn't me saying it make it false.

Berdly: Um, it's... neither true nor false.

Paradox 1: Correct!

The first paradox disappeared and the next one popped up.

Paradox 2: I am lying.

Ralsei: But you're telling the truth.

Paradox 2: But I said I am lying so I can't be telling the truth.

Ralsei: Um... but doesn't that mean you just lied making it the truth.

Paradox 2: So it seems

The second paradox disappeared and the last one popped up.

Paradox 3: If you restored a ship by replacing each of its wooden parts, would it remain the same ship?

All of them stumped by this paradox only Kris answers.

Kris: No.

Paradox 3: Why not?

Kris: The wood be from a different time.

Paradox 3: Correct!

Everyone was baffled on how Kris answered that so easily.

Berdly: How! how did you answer that!?

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