Chapter 11| Trouble in Paradise

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With their relationship on the line, Kris and Ralsei for the first time, had an argument. Everyone realised they messed up and had to fix it.

Noelle: Oh gosh, this is bad.

Susie: Yeah it is, if Kris swore at Ralsei then it is really bad.

Noelle: I'll go talk to Ralsei.

Harold: I'll come with you Noelle as I need to talk to him as well.

Susie: And i'll talk to Kris, I think everyone else should stay here as I think it would make everything worse.

Noelle: Yeah that's a good idea. Let's go Harold.

Noelle and Harold went to go talk to Ralsei and Susie went to go talk to Kris while everyone else waited for them.

Kris and Susie:

Susie: Kirs? where are you?

Kris: I'm over here.

Kris could be seen pacing around in circles thinking if shouting at Ralsei was a bad decision.

Susie: Got a minute to talk?

Kris: Sure.

Susie walked over to where Kris was.

Susie: What was all of that? I didn't think you would actually swear at him.

Kris: Well he just wasn't listening, I know he liked my parents a lot but he didn't need to keep going on about it.

Susie: No Kris, it's our fault, we should have thought about it.

Kris: I know but I don't expect you guys too, they died for a reason, to save me, they didn't want to be mourned they wanted to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. They wanted me to continue with my life.

Susie: I know, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't forget them because they're gone.

Kris: I haven't forgotten about them, they wanted me to continue with my life and so I did.

Susie: I guess you do have a point. I also want to say sorry, for not trusting you.

Kris: I don't expect everyone to trust me.

Susie: I just forgot that anger is a very common emotion and you can't live without it. You're human, just because you don't show it doesn't mean you don't have it.

Kris: Well i'm sorry for, you know, running at you with my knife. It's just that I was tired with your stupid jokes.

Susie: It's fine, I could have taken you anyway, it was either fight or flight and I guess I chose flight.

Kris: Yeah you could have beaten me if you didn't run but I did have a knife.

Susie: and I've got an axe.

Kris: yeah, fair point. Thank you Susie, for making me feel better. It means a lot, I hope I can still be your friend.

Kris reaches out for a hug and Susie agrees this one time as Kris needed it.

Susie: Fine, only because you need it. Of course you can still be my friend.

Susie reaches in for the hug and nearly lifts Kris up off the floor. They stop and go back to the others.

Susie: Cmon, let's go.

Ralsei, Noelle and Harold:

Noelle: Ralsei? where are you?

Ralsei: O-over h-here.

Ralsei said crying into his scarf. Noelle and Harold approach him.

Noelle: Are you ok?

Paradise (Deltarune) (KrisxRalsei)Where stories live. Discover now