Chapter 2| The paradise behind the door

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Just as everyone was starting to get hungry they saw something in the distance but it wasn't a sign. It was a door. The weird thing about it was it wasn't up against any walls. When they got to the door they looked behind it but nothing was there, it was just a door standing in the darkness. When Kris twisted the door handle to open it, there was something none of them expected.

It was a paradise, it was a dream, it felt like you were in your favourite place. Surrounded by bright lights and flashy colours, they all entered not knowing where they were. They walked up to a big gate which had been locked shut. Finally someone asked the big question.

Toriel: Where are we?

????: ah, I was waiting for someone to say that.

Susie: Who are you!?

Susie asked whilst getting her axe out.

????: Do not worry, i'm not your enemy. To get through this gate all you have to do is answer 3 riddles.

Susie: (great, I suck at riddles) Kris you're smart, you can answer them.

Kris: o-oh ok.

????: Then let us begin! riddle number 1, What month of the year has 28 days?

Kris thought for a second until they got it.

Kris: all of them do

????: Correct! next riddle. The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?

Kris again, had to think until they realised that they were surrounded by it.

Kris: The darkness.

????: Correct again! last riddle, this one might take a while to answer so I think you should all discuss it together before you answer.

Susie: yeah yeah, get on with it.

????: What does man love more than , hate more than death or mortal strife; that which contented men desire; the poor have, the rich require; the miser spends, the spendthrift saves, and all men carry to their graves?

All of them try to think what it means. But no one knows the answer, they were about to say something random when a voice behind them said the answer.

Ralsei: Nothing

All of them turn around to see a little goat smiling and waving at them.

????: And that's all the riddles answered, you can go through the gate now.

Toriel: wait! we don't even know your name.

????: My name is the Gatekeeper.

Toriel: Well thank you Gatekeeper for letting us through. Where does it go?

Gatekeeper: I don't want to spoil it, but when you go through it will be revealed.

Toriel: o-oh ok.

Gatekeeper: And I would suggest holding hands as it can be quite bumpy when you walk through the teleporter.

All of them look at each other, like they didn't believe it but the Gatekeeper knows more about this place than you do so you decide to trust him and hold hands.

Below is how they held hands.  - = hands    


Kris looked down at Ralsei and they could see he was blushing as he always would whenever Kris would stand next to him. He forgot his hat, so he tried his best to hide it under his scarf but Kris and Susie noticed and luckily Toriel didn't mainly because she was focused on going through the teleporter.

Gatekeeper: When I give you all the signal to go through, you have to run as I won't be able to keep it stable for long. You have 10 seconds to get to the teleport and go through, do you all understand?

They all nodded.

Gatekeeper: Good. Now get ready to run. In, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, RUN!

All of them ran to the teleport and managed to get through but when they got to the other side, they crash landed on top of each other with Ralsei on the bottom. all of them got up leaving Ralsei lying on the floor. When he realised no one was on top of him, he quickly got up with the help of Kris giving him a hand.

Ralsei: Thank you Kris :)

The two lock eyes for a moment no realising Toriel and Susie are looking at them.

Susie: Oi love birds! could you stop staring at each for one minute please. We have to figure out a way to go.

Toriel was giggling to herself, while Kris and Ralsei looked away from each other, both blushing.

Toriel: Are they always like this Susie?

Susie: yeah they are, after they went on a boat ride together i've always noticed them staring at each other.

Toriel: aww how sweet, I think a certain someone has a crush on someone.


Ralsei: yeah, we're just friends nothing else (calm down, my beating heart)

Kris: SEE!

Toriel and Susie look at each other in disbelief whilst the two are blushing so mush they look like tomatoes. Kris quickly changes the subject.

Kris: where are we anyway?


Well this concludes this chapter, i hope you had fun reading it as i had fun writing it. Any feedback is appreciated like always, see you in the next chapter o/

blu out  


Paradise (Deltarune) (KrisxRalsei)Where stories live. Discover now