Chapter 13| Time had fun.

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Kris and Ralsei went down stairs to the café and could see Harold eating his breakfast. They got their breakfast and joined him.

Harold: Morning you two! did you sleep well?

Ralsei: Yes I did! did you sleep well?

Harold: Well it was sort of strange to be sleeping after years of not. I almost forgot how to sleep, I guess you just need to close your eyes and soon you'll be asleep.

Kris: Yeah I guess it's not that hard to sleep. How did we get here?

Harold: Oh right, I forgot to fill you in. all of you fell asleep waiting for me to get the others but when I went to get the others they were also asleep so I had to carry them back to guys. After I put them down next to you, I teleported us here to this hotel and was greeted by someone. He said he recognised me about trying to overthrow the "prince" which he would have been fine with. I'm going to ask him where everyone went as no one else is here.

Ralsei: Wait, we fell asleep waiting for you to get the others, in an arcade, how?

Harold: You must have been really tired, because when I came back you were both asleep with Ralsei on Kris's lap with Kris's head resting on Ralsei's.

Ralsei: I feel asleep, in Kris's lap?

Harold: Yep! and Noelle fell asleep in Susie's. It was kind of cute actually, if you don't mind me saying.

They both blush and continue with eating their breakfast. Susie and Noelle came down the stairs next and got their breakfast and joined the others.

Susie: Man, what happened?

Harold: I'll explain again when everyone is here.

Susie: Cool.

Noelle: I-If you don't mind me asking Harold, but why did me and Susie wake up in the same bed?

Everyone spits out their food except for Harold who already finished and looked sort of embarrassed. Noelle feels embarrassed for saying that and starts to blush.

Susie: Why would you ask that!?

Harold: It's fine Susie, The reason I put you two in the same bed is, well, you are both together so might as well but you both in the same bed like I did with Kris and Ralsei.

Noelle: Oh, ok.

Susie: But you didn't need to put her arm around me!

Harold: I didn't.

Susie looks at Noelle who is eating her breakfast and looks back at her breakfast, she blushes and continues eating. Harold sees Ben and goes over to him to talk about...stuff.

Harold: Morning Ben.

Ben: Ah, Moring Harold, did you sleep well?

Harold: Yeah, I need to ask you something.

Ben: What is it?

Harold: Where is everyone? I mean not here but just in general, there's no one around outside.

Ben gives Harold a stare like he said something wrong.

Ben: Do you not know?

Harold: Know? know what?

Ben: Well, the reason no one is around is because... they have all been imprisoned in the castle.

Harold: Imprisoned? all of them? why?

Ben: The prince is crazy, thinking someone will be back or something... he put everyone in his caste thinking they were the thing he was scared of. He put people in for just walking around sometimes, thinking they were walking weirdly and imprisoned them just for walking.

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