Is it true?

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Sid and others were hella shocked.
Vai:Ma will never try to suicide.
Abhi:Yes and its sure that somebody tried to kill her.
Avu:Yes. Wait we know she will not try to suicide that means..
Sid:That means the poison was mixed in some foods.
Avu:Yes and we have to find it
Rits:yes and sid you do one thing check that did aunty bought any food items fr outside.
All were shocked coz ritika is helping.
Abhi:She is correct.
Vai:But why are u helping us.
Rits:If sid haven't married avneet i would be his wife now right.
Rit:So i helped coz she is like my mom.
Sid till now enquired.
Sid:Bhai she haven't bought anything and haven't gone outside for past few days.
Vai:Means the suspect is in our house.
Avu:Yes di.
And everyone turned to rits.
Rit:Pls don't doubt me.
Avu:Wait !what about checking the camera scenes of our kitchen.
Sid:good idea.
Sid was so angry and sad too.
Sid checked it through his phone.(They have connected the camera recording to their phone too)
Sid was numb after seeing that.
His eyes got teary and he was in the edge to break and shatter into pieces.
Abhi:Sid what happened let me check.
And abhi also had the same expression.
Then vaishu and rits also checked.
The same reaction was on both. They were numb
Avu:What happened
And she checked and her eyes got teary. di..didn'
Rit:Avneet i never though that u will do it.
Avu:Sid bhai bhabi pls believe me i didn't did it.
And avu was going to touch sid and he rejected and went out from there.

All others also did the same.
Avu:God u know na i can't do this but how did it came.

Guys what happened is..
Avneet was making juice for va.(remembe that na)
And vaishu called her and she went outside and at that time ritika added poison. And then avu came back and added sugar and mixed in camera ritika already knew that this will happen so she asked an editor to edit it and now in place of ritika its avu.who is seen using poison..
Good work readers you all found earlier that ritika did that.My readers are amazing.
Guys pls support me in youtube too.
Check my channel :Sweet Sidneetians.
Pls check its really different channel.
Do comment me after checking.
Goals:60votes and 14 comments.

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