Mason's accident Part 2

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When Mason got home after work he rolled all the way to his room. He stopped at his bed and lifted himself onto the it. Then he turned over and cried in his pillow. He didn't really mean to say all those things to Blitzo, he just lost control. But he was mad at him for getting him in this mess. Mason heard a knock on his door and a voice called. "Hey Mason. Are you alright in there" Moxxie asked. Mason lifted his head from his pillow and replied. "I'm fine dad" Mason said sternly. Moxxie heard the tone in his voice and knew something wasn't fine. "Can I come in" Moxxie asked. "I said I'm good, dad" He said. Moxxie opened the door and entered. He saw Mason laying on the bed and sat next to him. "What's wrong son?" Moxxie asked. Mason looked over his shoulder and sat up sighing. "What is not wrong? My legs are broken, I'm stuck moving in a wheelchair. And its all Blitzo's fault" Mason exclaimed. "Yeah I know, Blitzo is the most infuriating Imp I've ever met. But I could never stay mad at him" Moxxie said. Mason was confused, he thought that after all the things Blitzo's done that he would be always mad at him. "What do you mean?" Mason asked. Moxxie was silent for a moment looking down at the ground. He then rose his head up to his son. "Have I ever told you about the time you were born" Moxxie asked. Mason thought about it but couldn't remember. "No" Mason answered. "Well maybe this is the right time to tell you. Also your the right age to know" Moxxie said.

"It was 16 years ago, when your mother was pregnant with you. She was nine months in, and we were so happy to finally meet you. Then one day I was singing your mother the love song I wrote for her. After I finished that's when her water broke. She was in labor, so I quickly picked her up and ran as fast as I could to the hospital. But the more I hurried there was just no time, you were coming so fast. We couldn't make it to the hospital so I had to carry your mother to a nearest alleyway until we could figure out what we could do. I begged for someone to help us and that's when Blitzo came along. I wasn't sure if I could trust him but I was in need help fast so what choice did I have. So I held onto Millie's hand as Blitzo helped give birth to you. After you were born I thanked him for helping, and I cherished that moment because it was the happiest moment of my life. Years later we became closer. He offered us a job as assassins at I.M.P and we applied. Since then he's been visiting a lot, mostly to see you. Millie didn't mind it, but I did. He used to toss you up in the air and catch you, and that nearly gave me a heart attack. I didn't mind him playing with you, its just don't be so careless with him. Then started the whole thing with sneaking into our apartment and just barging into our lives. Yes it upset me, but I can't really stay mad because of what he's done for me" Moxxie explained.

After hearing that story Mason felt bad all over. "Wow, I never knew. Now I really feel bad for yelling at him yesterday. All he was doing was trying to help and I didn't give him a chance" Mason said looking down. "He does care for us. He just show's in a weird way" Moxxie said. Mason sat up on the bed and hugged Moxxie. "Thanks for telling me dad" He said. Moxxie smiled and hugged him back. "Anytime" He said.

The next day Mason came into work with the others. He looked over to Blitzo's office and rolled toward it. He knocked on the door and called for him. "Hey Unc" Mason said. Blitzo responded in moody voice. "Unc? I don't think I can answer to that anymore" Blitzo said on the other side of the door. "Uncle, I mean Blitzo. Please let me in, I wanna talk to you" Mason begged. Blitz then gave in and opened the door. Mason rolled in and stopped at Blitzo's desk. "So what can I help you with kid" Blitzo said. "Well, I came in to say I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I was just angry" Mason confessed. "Hmm, I'm listening" Blitzo said crossing his fingers. "Look I really didn't mean to say what I said. I just hated that my legs were broken, and I just blamed you for it the whole time" Mason said frowning. "Kid, here's the truth. I get that I'm sometimes obnoxious" Blitzo said. Mason raised an eyebrow at that sentence and Blitzo noticed. "Ok maybe a lot obnoxious. And that's probably not going to change. But just know that I still care ok, your my little buddy" Blitzo said. Mason smiled. "Thanks Uncle Blitzo" Mason said. "I thought you said you didn't wanna call me uncle anymore" Blitzo said smirking. "I didn't mean it. You'll always be my uncle" Mason said. Blitzo started tearing up with happy tears. "Oh give me hug!!" He yelped. "Ok, but I'm still in a wheelchair so be-" Mason was cut when Blitzo gave him a hug. Mason decided to forget about it and wrapped his arms around Blitzo hugging him back. "Well now that we got that settled. There is one thing I want you to do" Blitzo said. Mason was confused. "What do you mean" Mason asked. "Well, ya see Mase. Although I accept your apology, you did say some very hurt full things to me yesterday. So I can't fully forgive you until you do something for me" Blitzo explained. Mason got a bit worried about what he had in mind. "Uuuh ok, what is it" Mason asked. "Oh, you'll see" Blitzo said chuckling to himself.

A few minutes later Blitzo and Mason were in the hallway outside of I.M.P headquarters. Mason was wearing a maid outfit and a hair bonnet. "Ok Mason, see this wall" Blitzo said pointing to the wall with graffiti all over it. "I want you to clean this all this graffiti off the walls while wearing that maid outfit" He said. "Well this isn't as bad as I thought it would be" Mason said relieved. He then saw Blitzo putting up something beside him. "What is that" He asked. "Oh yeah, and I'll also will be recording the whole thing" Blitzo said turning on the camera. And at that moment Mason literally felt his stomach sink.

Suddenly the door opened and Moxxie and Millie came out. "Sir, I forgot to give you the receipt for the items you told us to get" Moxxie said holding the receipt. He saw his son dressed as a maid and he didn't even feel asking. "Just, here's the receipt. I'm going to go back and forget what I just seen" Moxxie said walking back into headquarters. "So did you guys finally make up" Millie asked. "Yeah mom, we did" Mason said. "Oh well that's great. Ok I'll be back in headquarters, we got another target. See ya later honey bun" Millie said. She kissed Mason cheek then walked back into headquarters. "So I guess I should be going too. Good luck cleaning honey bun" Blitzo said laughing. Mason let out a loud groan. "I hate you man" Mason said. "Love you too" Blitzo said closing the door to headquarters.

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