Mason's accident

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Right outside of I.M.P Blitzo and Mason were putting up a sign outside to promote the company. Mason was on top of a ladder nailing the sign to the wall. "Almost done, Mason" Blitzo asked. Mason looked down. "Yeah almost" he said. He felt kinda nervous of how high he was and the ladder was wobbling a little. "Hey Uncle Blitzo, you got me right" Mason asked. "Huh, oh yeah totally" Blitzo said. But suddenly Blitzo's phone vibrated. He took it out and looked at his notifications. "God fucking damn it Stolas" he said when he saw the message Stolas sent. While he was doing this he forgot to hold up the ladder, it started wobbling and Mason felt it. "Unc, what are you doing!?!!!" Mason said scared. Blitzo was texting Stolas back saying he was busy and didn't have time to fool around. Then he put his phone away and forgot what he was supposed to be doing. The ladder tilted over and fell, Mason screamed as he fell right on the sidewalk. "Oh shit!! Kid are you ok" Blitzo said. Mason groaned and tried to get but that made him grunted even more. "No, I think I hurt my legs. I can't move!!" Mason said feeling his legs. "Hang on, I'll get your parents" Blitzo said running inside the building. A couple of hours later Mason was in the hospital, he broke both of his legs and had get casts and a wheelchair.

The next day Mason was back home in bed. Moaned in anger at his condition, he couldn't walk or move. Millie came knocked on the door and heard Mason moan even more. She came in and sat next to him on the bed. "How ya feelin baby" She asked. Mason turned his head at his mom. "Terrible" He said in bad mood. "I know your mad, but the doctor says its only a few weeks" Millie said. "Eight weeks to be exact!" Mason corrected. "Well, your dad made breakfast so lets try to cheer up and get you out of bed" Millie said. She brought Mason's wheelchair over and helped Mason out of bed. She pushed him out of his room and into the kitchen. Moxxie made everyone's plate and greeted Mason. "Good morning son, I made pancakes just how you like it" Moxxie said. Mason looked at the plate and saw two homemade pancakes. "Thanks dad" Mason said feeling little better. "So I guess since i'll be rolling in a wheelchair for a while. I won't be going on any missions" Mason said eating. "Yes unfortunatley, you'll have to stay at the office" Moxxie said. Mason groaned feeling bad again. "Oh come on Mason its only 8 weeks, you should be grateful its not permanent" Millie said. Mason sighed. "Yeah I know, but i'm not mad at this. I'm mad at Blitzo. Its his fault that i'm in this mess in the first place" He said exclaimed. Now it was Moxxie turn to be angry. "I knew it, I told him that ladder was too unstable! But he always has to be ignorant" Moxxie said face palming himself. "Look lets finish eating, then head to work and deal with it then. Ok boys?" Millie asked with a stern face. "Ok" Both Moxxie and Mason said.

Later they all got ready and Blitzo drove by in the company van to pick them up. Moxxie and Millie came outside to greet him. "Morning sir" both them said. "Morning mox and mills. Where's Mason, is he doing well?" Blitzo asked. "He's doin ok. He just in a mood, i'll go get him" Millie said going back in the house. She rolled Mason down the stairs and toward the van. "Hey buddy, how's the legs" Blitzo said. Mason didn't respond to him and didn't even look in his direction. Blitzo felt guilty for what happened yesterday and he wanted to make it up to him, but didn't know how yet. They put Mason in the car and drove off to work. When they got there Mason was put next to the receptionist desk with Loona. Loona saw Mason's legs. "What the hell happened to you?". "I fell off a ladder" Mason answered. Loona snickered. "That's so fucking stupid" Loona said. Mason mumbled "fuck you too" under his breath.

A few hours later Blitzo was in his office thinking about Mason. "He didn't even look at me. I really fucked up this time, the guilt is just screwing its way up my asshole" He said. He looked out the little door window staring at Mason watching TV. "Maybe if I could just get some alone time with him" He said. He gasped as he thought of an idea. He grabbed some paper and started writing a random list of things. Then he walked out of his office and called for Moxxie. "Hey Mox, I'm gonna need you to go out and get some supplies for me. And take Millie with you" Blitzo said handing him the list. "Um exactly what is this all for?" Moxxie asked. "Oh I'll tell you later, just go" Blitzo said.

Once the two were gone Blitzo went over to Mason. "Hey there kiddo, whatcha watchin" He said looking at the TV. "Drama movie" Mason said. "Ok that's cool, well I've been thinking since your folks are out. Why don't we go out and have some fun" Blitzo said smiling. Mason rolled his eyes. "Shouldn't you be worrying about Loona or something" Mason said. "Loona is ok. Right Loona!!!" Blitzo shouted. "Fuck off!!" Loona said back. "See she's good. Now let's get out there" Blitzo said. He grabbed the handles on Mason's chair and pushed toward the door. They walked out of the building and into IMP city. "Ya know I didn't agree to this. I'm basically being pushed against my will" Mason said. "Quit being a grumpy puss, its just for a couple hours" Blitzo assuring him. "Won't my parents be back by then" Mason asked. "Nah, the I sent them for is all the way across town so they won't back for at least, mmmm let me think. 5 hours" Blitzo said.

They walked for a couple of blocks, Mason started to question what they were doing. "What's the plan here anyway" He asked. "Oh, well whatever comes up. How about ice cream" Blitzo said. Mason then gave in agreed. They stopped by an ice cream parlor and sat down with their bowls. "So Mase, I want to say I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I just got distracted" Blitzo admitted. Mason was silent for a minute. "You said you had me" Mason said. "I know, I did. But Stolas was texting me and ya know how he is" Blitzo said. Mason thought about it for a little and then decided forgive. "Ok, I guess its ok. But I want to be able trust you" Mason said. Blitzo was confused. "What do you mean, you trust me kid. We're as close as brothers" Blitzo said making hand gestures. "First of all, don't say that again because it was fucking weird. Second of all, that's coming from the guy that sneaks into my apartment to watch me or my parents sleep" Mason said. "Fair enough. Well look you can trust me, I'll always be here for ya, maybe sometimes in the middle of the night" Blitzo smirking. The two handshake and Blitzo goes in for a hug. "Hey, still in wheelchair" Mason reminded him.

After they were done eating they left outside the parlor. "Wait hold on a second. I gotta piss" Blitzo said he walking back to the parlor. "Unc, you forgot to lower the stand so I don't roll away" Mason said crossing his arms. "Oh right sure" Blitzo said. He pulled a lever on the wheelchair to lower the stand. He didn't pull hard enough and the stand lowered but didn't grip the ground. "Ok be right back. Don't go anywhere" Blitzo said joking. Mason sarcastically laughed at the dumb joke. Then he started to feel a bit of movement. He looked down at the wheelchair and noticed the stand was not gripping the ground hard enough. Mason panicked and pulled on the stand lever too hard that it broke right it. The wheelchair slowly rolled toward a hill down the sidewalk. "Oh crumbs" Mason said. He rolled down the hill screaming on the way. Blitzo came out of the parlor and was ready to go. "Ok Mase, let's go. Mason?" He said noticing his disappearance. He then caught him rolling down the sidewalk and right toward the street. "Aaaaaaaaaaahaahhhhhh" He yelled running after him. He was able to get their in time and stop the wheelchair before it went the street. A huge truck passed by honking his horn. "Oh man, what rush huh" Blitzo said catching his breath. Mason clenched his fists in anger. "GET OFF ME" Mason said pushing his chair away. "Are you serious right now. I could've fucking died! I trusted you and you did this to me again. You think you can fix this, well you can't. You can't fix or help anything. All you do is mess things and shit on people's lives" Mason yelled at him.

People in the area overheard the conversation and stood to listen. "Mason, I didn't mean for this to happen. It was an accident" Blitzo said. "This is all your fault! If you hadn't been careless yesterday I wouldn't be in this stupid ass wheelchair" Mason yelled. Blitzo started feeling ashamed. "I know, I know. That's why I wanted to take you out of the office, to make up for what I did" Blitzo explained. Mason scoffed. "Yeah and a lot of good that did" Mason said. "Ya know, I always had to put up with your shit, mostly my dad. I didn't mind it even though it was annoying. But now I'm gonna come forward. There are multiple problems I have with you. Your ignorance, sexual commentary, recklessness, your ego. I could go on" Mason said. Blitzo was hurt by all the things Mason just said to him, he tried to respond but couldn't find the words. "Mason" he choked out softly. "Don't just no. I'm going back to the office" Mason said rolling away. He stopped three feet away from Blitzo and said. "And just so you know, I won't bother calling you uncle anymore" he said finally strolling away. He started to tear up but still kept rolling. Blitzo watched as Mason rolled away. He was completely speechless. He stood there for a while thinking about what Mason said, and he knew he was right. Blitzo sniffled and closed his eyes letting a tear come out.

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