Chapter 1 - Goodbye Miyagi

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"So this is goodbye, huh?" Yasuko said, her words being muffled slightly by her mask.

Semi stared down at her, nodding with a frown. "We're going to miss you Yasuko... Do you really have to leave?"

The black haired girl nodded, shivering when the cold air hit against her neck. "I can't stay at Shiratorizawa. My scholarship is gone now due to my injury. The only reason I got accepted to the school with a full scholarship was because of my volleyball skills, what use is there for an injured ace?"

He scowled, pouting slightly. "Don't say that. Those old guys were just quick to get rid of you because of Okori-san." Semi clicked his tongue. "To think they would kick you out because of her father wanting her to be the ace... They could have let you stay for our third year since you would have recovered by then, but those guys-!" He clenched his fists. "It's unfair that they did that to you Yasuko!"

Yasuko bit her lip, letting out a sigh as she wrapped her hands around Semi's neck, pulling him in for a hug. He responded by snaking his arms around her waist, burying his head into her neck and she let her fingers run through his ash blonde hair.

"I'm going to miss you..." he whispered and the girl felt him shaking, tears soaking her shoulder.

"Me too Eita... I promise to call you everyday and visit you guys when I can." Yasuko mumbled, hugging him even tighter. "I'll leave the others to you, okay?"

"Yeah." He sniffed, pulling away as he wiped the tears from his eyes with his hand. "I'll see you, Yasuko. If those Tokyo punks ever bother you just give me a call and I'll come over."

She let out a laugh, shaking her head. "Will do, Eita. Make sure to bring Wakatoshi-kun as backup if that situation ever happens, okay?"

The two smiled, laughing. However their boisterous, carefree laughter had come to an end when the sound of the train was heard. Coming to a stop, the doors had slid open and it was time for Yasuko and Semi to separate.

They gave each other one last hug, they both knew it would be a while until they could see and touch each other again.

Picking up her suitcases, she began walking to the door with a small limp due to the knee brace on her. Suddenly she stopped in front of the train doors, looking over her shoulder at the boy.

"Eita," she said, her voice being heard easily despite the noise. "I'll see you again. You guys better make it to Nationals. Tell the others to take care of themselves, okay?"

Semi's eyes widened before he smiled, tears escaping his eyes. "Pft. Who do you think we are? We'll see you in Tokyo, Yasuko."

Pulling her mask down, she smiled at him.

The train doors closed and Semi watched as his friend departed. They would no longer be seeing each other in class everyday. They would no longer eat lunch together with the others. They would no longer run into each other at the gym when their teams would practice. They would no longer have their daily Monday sleepovers in his dorm room.

Tears slid down his eyes at a rapid pace. "Damn it... I'm going to miss you Yasuko."

By the time Yasuko made it to Tokyo it was noon. She let out a sigh, adjusting her medical mask. The city air was tainted, it wasn't good for her to breathe in. She remembered Kiyoomi always complained about it - Atsumu too, he despised the Tokyo air and whined about how it wasn't as nice as Hyogo's. Yet did he ever wear a face mask? Nope.

She sighed, moving at her own pace as she carried her luggage. She was glad she only had two bags full of clothes since her parents had moved her heavier stuff back home before she left.

'Mom said that her friend would pick me up here...' Yasuko thought to herself, looking around. 'Her name was Ryuzaki-san, right?'

"Are you Yasuko?" a woman's voice asked her and she turned to look at the person who called for her. It was an older woman with stern brown eyes and long brown hair tied into a high ponytail. Her eyes widened. "You look exactly like your mother."

"Ryuzaki-san?" Yasuko asked and the woman nodded, smiling. "It's nice to meet you, my mother has told me about you when you were in high school together."

Ryuzaki laughed. "Your mother was always out there being energetic and getting into trouble." Yasuko smiled under her mask. She then noticed a brown haired girl with two low braids standing behind the woman. Ryuzaki seemed to notice her stare and put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "This is my granddaughter, Sakuno. I hope you two will get along."

"N-Nice to meet you Sakusa-san!" Sakuno said, bowing down.

Yasuko nodded at the girl. "Right."

"Here, give me your stuff." Ryuzaki reached out, grabbing the suitcases. "You're still injured and after the long ride you should get some rest."

"Ah, thank you," she mumbled, following the two Ryuzaki's to the car. Putting her luggage in the trunk, they all got in and Ryuzaki started to drive, leaving the two girls silently sitting in the back.

"U-Um... Excuse me Sakusa-san..." Sakuno mumbled and the black haired girl raised a brow. "I was wondering... H-How old are you?"

"I'm fourteen," she answered. "You?"

"T-Twelve..." Yasuko hummed at her answer. "You're really tall for fourteen..."

"I guess so, it helps me out in volleyball. Having height is an advantage after all for such a sport. Do you play a sport, Ryuzaki-chan?"

"S-Sakuno is just fine Sakusa-san!" Suakuno hastily replied, feeling shy. "And I play tennis..."

"Tennis, huh?" the older girl muttered, brows unconsciously furrowing which made Sakuno tense, thinking she somehow upset her. "Ryuzaki-san, aren't you a tennis coach?"

"I'm the coach for Seigaku, the school you'll be transferring to," the woman answered, keeping her eyes on the road. "Those boys are an energetic bunch, but are strong players. There's a volleyball team, but they aren't as good as you expect compared to Shiratorizawa."

"I see." She sighed, feeling a bit down. 'I already miss Shiratorizawa.'

"Are you planning on joining the volleyball team?" the brunette asked, gazing at her knee brace.

"I plan to," Yasuko answered seriously, her black eyes full of determination. "I don't care if the team is weak, I'll make sure to bring us to the Nationals. I will be the best female player in Japan and play at the Olympics."

'Wow...' Sakuno looked at Yasuko in admiration. 'To think she's confident enough to do that... I want to have strength like that too.'

Ryuzaki looked at the girl through the rear mirror, smirking. 'Seriously, she's too much like her mother.'

A/N : random updates

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