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The school had four wings. Right now, we where on the two-hundred wing. If we could make it on the four-hundred wing, maybe I could use the keys to unlock the auditorium back door.

The lobby and auditorium are connected. All we'd have to do is walk through it's front doors and wait on our ride. We also still need those weapons from cafeteria.

"Okay guys, we need to get moving again." I announced.

We had been sitting around for a while. I wanted everyone to get some energy. Tobe hadn't called me , which meant he was not close to the school yet. I wanted us to get to the checkpoint early.

They all mumbled and whined at first, but no one sat still. All of us knew there was no point in sitting around. We could either wait on the zombies to find us, or we could try to get out of here. And trust me, I prefer hamburgers over human burgers.

"Got damn Tray, you know you in a hurry." Asia chuckled.

That was my cue. I ran over to her side and stood there. She nearly jumped as I intertwined my finger with her's, then smiled.

"We'll see our baby boy faster." I whispered to her. A huge smiled cracked across her face.

"Now Tray, I told you we had a girl." Asia said in a calm voice. She and I would have kept going but this wasn't the right time. I merely walked away holding up my thumbs, laughing.

Once everyone was ready, I made my way to the front door. Sharnae already notified them all about the new plan, so that was out of the way. All we have to do is make it to the checkpoint. I just hope we don't run into anymore surprises.

Asia stood right behind me at the door. Shhh! I cracked the door open and looked from one side to the other.

"The coast is clear." I said before creeping out. Everybody moved through the door one by one, Jamichael covering the back. This whole thing seemed like a Scooby-Doo scene. That meant I was Freddy since I'm leading. I chuckled at the thought of that.

As we made it to the one-hundred wing, I peaked around the corner. Once again, nothing was there.

"Were the hell are the zombies." I thought to myself.

That wasn't the entire school in the front. It was at least one fifth of the school. The probably were lucky enough to escape - I hope.

We continued the procedure down the hallway. Passing the two-hundred wing, the lights were off. As I kept moving, something moved out the corner of my eye. I froze and squinted my eyes down the dark hall. I flinched as a black silhouette raced in a classroom.

"What the fuck was that." Asia shrieked.

"I don't know but I'm gonna check it out. You guys stay hear."

"Oh, Hell no!" Deshanta protested.

"You're not going alone. It's better if everyone or at least someone accompanies you."

"She is right Tray." Asia placed her hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged, knowing well there was no use in arguing. They were speaking the truth. There was no telling, what was up ahead.

"Okay." I said regretting my own words.

I lead the group down the hallway. Something inside of me said turn away but I brushed it off. Whateva was down here couldn't be that bad.
When we made it to the end of the hall, the Mrs. Hawks and Coach Cops classroom doors were open.

"Which room did you see it go in?" Sharnae whispered.

"This one." Asia and I pointed to Coach Cops' room.

"Well then, let's check it out first."

I nodded and proceeded into the class. The atmosphere was heavy in the class. It smelled of rot and everything was completely dark. As I scan the room, there was something or someone sitting in Coach's chair. The chair was facing against the wall and it was dark, so I tell if they were dead or not.

"Hello, are you alright?" A hint of fear in my voice.

Standing there, they neither did nor said nothing. It was when I took a step forward, whoever was in the chair slowly began to turn around. My heart paced as they position themselves towards me. The person glared at me with pure black eyes, as if searching for something.

I bagged away slowly but froze when the person chuckled.

"Hello." Came a low deep male voice. Their was a Russian accent in their voice.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Turn on the lights and you will see my friend." The man chuckled once again before coughing.

I put my hand on the wall and moved them around for the lights. When my hand finally found the switch, I hesitated before flipping it on. When things came visible, I backed out of the classroom and fell onto the floor. My friends looked at me confused.

"This couldn't be happening, he isn't." I told myself.

"What's in there?" Deshanta asked me.

I looked at her with tears running down my cheeks. I shook my head in protest. She shouldn't know what I saw.

"What is it tray." She grew louder.

I pulled her from my head. I don't want repeat what I saw again. It's too much for me.

"Tray!" Deshanta yelled.

I snapped my head towards her. She flinched but kept looking at me.

"Who's in there."

"He's in there" I trembled at his face.

"Who's he Tray?" She asked concern.

"The man inside my head."

Author's Note:// dun dun dun. Looks like things are finna get good. I'm done testing now so I can update again. Turn up for your boy. I'm about to start on chapter 12 right now. Also if you have any ideas you think I should do to the story let me know. Im always open minded to new ideas.





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