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Author note:// Sorry for the late update guys. I been kinda busy and I forgot to update again. Here is the next Chapter. Also I want you guys to have a fun spring break. Enjoy!!!

We were stuck in a room with those thing right outside its doors-trying their hardest to get in. I stared around watching my friends began to panic. Some were afraid the barrier would not hold and others, were afraid that we might die.

I gazed over to Sharnae for aid but even she had fear etched on her face. No one knew what to do. I played lots of videos game like Left 4 Dead, The Walking Dead, or Resident Evil. It's just we don't have guns and this is for real. There was no retry or anything of such. This was a survive or die situation.

I needed to get some status on what's going on. Something in here has to be useful. My eyes landed right on the computer.

I walked over to Mr. Philly desk and turned on his computer. After a couple of minutes waiting for the home screen to come, I clicked on Google Chrome and typed Fox-13. Clicking the website, the first thing I saw in bold was emergency. I clicked on the video and paused it so everyone could see the whole thing.

"Aye yall!" I yelled, then urged them to come over.

"You might want te see." I said as they gathered around. I punched the button once they were set.

Immediately, there was a reporter outside of the hospital speaking. She had light skin tone, with brown hair, and green eyes. She also looked to be in her mid-thirty. The women seemed to hesitate before she decided to speak.

"The president has issued a state of emergency. I repeat, this is a state of emergency. This is not a practice procedure. The the new W-2-O virus has spreaded through most of the country. I received intel that the president has gathered with other government official to conjure a plan. I Julian Waters, now stands outside of Clarksdale hospital were the national guards have shutdown the medical facility. They are not letting anyone enter or leave the building. The virus has become highly spreaded. No one really knows were it came from or ...."

The woman was cut off by the sounds of screaming coming from the building. The camera zoomed in only to catch a grizzly sight. People were running out of the building, trampling over each other body in a panic. That wasn't it because you could see people lashing on others back like predators. Ferociously sinking their teeth into the innocent civilians.

Then the sound of repeated gunfire came, causing the woman to look frighten.

"That's it Lewis, we need to leave now." She said in a impatient voice.

"But we're still recording." He responded.

"I don't give a fuck! I didn't sign up for this shit!" She snapped at him.

"Watch out behind you!"

The reporter couldn't even react because some woman tackled her to the ground. The woman shriek in horror before the camera man turned and ran.

He did not make it far either, for he tripped over something. The camera shined right on his face. The guy had black hair, brown eye,s and white skin. He looked as if he was about to cry.

"Get up and run!" We all screamed in unison as if watching a horror film.

Roar! That was all we heard before the man got dragged away screaming. His cries gave me chills as he pleaded for help. That's when the screen went black.

I turned my head to look at everybody. No one spoke or anything. I could see tears filling some of the girls eyes.

Deshanta took my little sister and brother to the other side of the room, probably to talk with them. They should not have been exposed to something like that.

"We need to come up with a plan? It's not safe sitting here." I told my friends.

"Did you not just see what happened?" Karl questioned me as if I wasn't watching.

"No I was sleep, but could you tell me." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up! It's your fault we're stuck here. So now we should stay put until your dad comes."

"Why would we stay here when those things, which are still tryna get in; could break down that door at anytime? Then there's no telling how many are outside. We need him to come in a safe spot." Sharnae backed me up.

Karl became angry at first but then calmed down after thinking over it.

"How are we going to get out of here? Is there's even a plan?" Karl asked.

We all looked at each other. Just when I figured no one knew what to do, a voice spoke up.

"I do!" A voice called from the group.

I looked up to see who said it.Everyone slid to the side leaving Jamichael standing in the center smiling.

This wasn't going to end well.





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