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E s m é r a l d a    A l b y

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

I questioned Andros who stood as still as a statue, eyeing Eirik warily. My eyes went behind him to Eirik 2.0, frowning as he stood guarding the door, eyes straight ahead like he couldn't hear any of us even though we were conversing mere three yards away.

I was leaning heavily on Eirik's side yet it didn't even seem to bother him as if I was as light as a leaf. He had slipped his arm around my waist to hold me steady and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy being in his embrace. I was flushed pink with embarrassment, knowing both Andros and Eirik 2.0 had caught everything from me lunging at Eirik like a wild boar to him wiping away every trickle of my tear.

It felt better, crying when someone was there to not judge but just to stay.

Andros' gaze flickered between the two of us, settling on me as he gulped audibly. "I might as well have preferred to see one,"


"So that's—" his mouth fell open as though he was grasping for breaths, "—Eirik?"

"You got a problem, Lad?" Only my injured foot held back Eirik from taking a step ahead to threaten him.

Andros shook his head so fast, I was afraid it'd tear off at his neck. "No, no. Not at all, Your... re Eirik. What problem can I have? Oh, he's Eirik too."

Eirik 2.0 muttered something inaudible, giving away that he was listening.

"Why do you two look so scared?"

"Eirik's a pussy when it comes to th—I tend to speak things I don't intend to speak. Like this."

I laughed at that, clutching Eirik's shirt in my fist which somehow seemed softer than his regular clothing. "Trust me, Andros, he might look scary with all those muscles, but he's a big softie."

"You're ruining my reputation, Esméralda." Eirik grumbled only for my ears.

I tried to supress my chuckle, tipping my head up to his handsome face. "I didn't know you go about scaring guards."

"Oh, well," he fought a smile, "I don't until I do."

"You two are shit-ass father-fucking cute. I don't know why I said that. It doesn't even make sense. Pretend you didn't hear."

"And that's Andros," I introduced with a laugh. "He really cheered me up today."

"Who, I'm sure, is supposed to stand guard at the moment."

Eirik's raise of brow paled even the rich color of Andros' skin. I punched his chest lightly, almost swaying off balance as the one foot I'm standing on grew numb. "You don't have to be so rude, Eirik. He was just rushing to stop me from re-injuring myself when you showed up."

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