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-Loki's POV-

Odin approaches me and Y/N as we walk into the ballroom.

"Ah, finally."

Odin hands me a remote, so I turn it over in my hand.

"What is this for?"

"To increase my pain, of course," Y/N mutters through a phony smile.

I look over at Y/N in shock, knowing that this must control something she's wearing.

"Wait, what does this control?!" I whisper-yell in worry.

Though she may not believe me, I do feel concerned for her. I don't understand it either, but I don't want her hurt... but I need Odin's approval... I have no idea what to do.

Odin shrugs, "Don't worry about that. Just use it if she misbehaves or if you feel like it."

Before I can ask any more questions, Odin walks off to mingle among the important Asgardians.

He doesn't even care about the 'normal' Asgardians. At least if my bumbling idiot of a brother became king, he'd make sure to take care of all Asgardians... but he will never be king. It's my birthright, and if I prove to Odin that I can handle Lady Y/N, I can prove that I'll be a proper king.

I zone back in, remembering the pain Y/N is in, knowing that some device I have control over could worsen everything.

It makes me sick.

"I won't use it... I promise." I whisper in Y/N's ear.

        She raises her eyebrows and pulls me away from the entrance.

        "You look familiar. Do I know you?" My lovely mother's voice questions from behind us.

        For some reason, I internally smile at Y/N's authentic grin.

        "Yes, My Queen. I was Allfather Odin's maiden, and now I am Loki's maiden." Y/N explains, curtsying.

        My mother beams back, "Well, welcome! It's good to see you again. You actually look a lot thinner than you did when I first met you, no offense, my dear."

        "No offense taken, Your Majesty. I am quite thin." Y/N responds, quite embarrassed.

        "Then enjoy. I'm so happy you're here, and I would love to stay and chat, but I'm afraid I have other guests to greet." My mother announces before elegantly drifting away and out of the room.

        "You do look quite thin, no offense," I comment in a hushed voice.

        "Well, I took it as offensive," Y/N growls through the massive fake smile overtaking her face.

"Then I'm sorry."

Y/N rolls her eyes and slowly walks toward a table as someone approaches behind me.

"She's talking to another person." Odin remarks.


I turn to see Odin glaring at me.

"Um... so what do you want me to do about it?" I correct nervously.

"Well, she's supposed to stay by your side. If she doesn't, punish her." Odin explains.

She doesn't even deserve any of this. Why the hell should I punish her?... Because I have to follow Odin's orders.

I swallow and reluctantly reply, "Makes sense."

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