Chapter Fifteen

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"Hello." Arthur called into the house, he had knocked loudly on the cottage door and no one had answered, Amy was almost certain that he had to have the wrong place, no one could live here. And she did wish he wouldn't bang on the door so hard, pieces of stone were crumbling with each slam on the door, any harder and he may break through the wood, either that or the house may have actually fell on them, so he had opened the door and looked around, Amy behind him feeling quite annoyed that she was not permitted to take a sword as it was not correct attire for a lady.

Once inside the house Amy didn't feel any safer for the fear of it collapsing on them, just another effect adding to the danger she supposed. What a way to go, nothing heroic just a house collapsing, what a shame. It did look lived in though, a few clothes dotted around the place they had not collected dust, then again the place was not unclean, dust did fall from the crumbling brick but it fell onto clean floor, someone did live in the cottage they were just not there now.

She lifted her dress so it was not dragging on the floor and stayed close to Arthur, he was moving slowly through each room before reaching a door that was open at the back of the house. Arthur paused and Amy did so behind him it could be a rouse but Amy sighed they went outside and saw some young ladies walking around cleaning clothes. An old Lady, too old to be their mother stood watch, she resembled a crone. Arthur lowered his sword not prepared to fight females, Amy on the other hand was ready to grab it if needed.

"Hello dear." A voice spoke, she spoke carefully, even though it was only two words, as though the choice of what to say was difficult as though it pained her. But the pain was not physical and it seemed more mechanic, and the accent placed that she was an outside her. But Amy was more scared about how close she had got and how her hand reached up.

Shocked by the sudden movement Amy stepped back away from the old woman and mumbled a "Hello." Arthur slid in front of her and spoke while Amy studied the girls. They ages varied from about fifteen to twenty yet none of them spoke to each other while working, not a single communication, they smiled but the smile did not change it was stuck almost creepy, Amy knew her face would ache if she had to up hold a smile, yet the smile worn by the girls did not seem joyous nor grim, it just seemed to be placed there, their eyes did not shine with youth and some washed the clothes while others sowed, it was a system that worked.

She studied the routine and was amazed how perfectly they reacted to each other they reminded her of a production team. "Pack your items girls." The process stopped instantly the girls clinging to the clothes they were holding and walked into the house in an orderly fashion. The old lady proceeding behind, Arthur looked at Amy puzzled.

"They're leaving?" She questioned.

Arthur shook his head "Father is concerned for the girls, they are daughters of citizens, I know a few, He desires for them to reside closer to the castle so you can monitor them." Amy sighed and Arthur added "Is that okay?"

Amy forced a little laugh, "If they were from the future I'd say they were robots, but I really have no idea, It will have to be okay Arthur, it is my job."

They walked through the house and to the front door Arthur shouted to the elderly lady, "Ms Greta if you proceed to the castle later, some Guards will direct you to your rooms, Good day."

Arthur put his arm gently around Amy and led her out of the house back up to a route to walk towards the castle. He slowed his walk and he stood still facing Amy he had been quiet for a while but she had not been concerned. "Arthur?"

"Amy?" He hesitated and held on to her "It's been bothering me, what is a precisely is a ro-bot?"

Amy bit her lip, his expression was so innocent and bewildered like a little child she shook her head, and had to think "It's made of a metal and aimed to look humanoid it tends to have no emotion and is programed to follow commands, main ones I have seen is for assassination but I rarely meet nice ones I always get into trouble that's my problem." She nodded yeah that was a good description.

"Programed?" Again confusion from the Prince.

"Yeah with computers, and you have no idea what a computer is. Erm its given orders through this box which it responds to and control."

"I don't think I understand."

"It will be years and years and years before they are introduced to earth Arthur, Don't worry about them, they should never be introduce in your time and if they are just leave me to try and sort them out, swords won't be much use."

"Oh so you're giving orders now?"

What? What the hell is this? An UPDATE???

Exams are over guys, however still busy, one teacher thinks we should start revision for the ones in June :/ But I should be updating more and finding more time for you guys, hope you like it and thanks for all the votes.

Emily x

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