17- aftermath

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When I woke, I heard more yelling before heavy footsteps came bursting into the same room. I opened my eyes, vision slightly restored as I saw a blurry figure of red and white.

"Tommy?" I called out.

"(Y/N)!" Tommy shouted, "You're awake! Thank god you're awake!" I flinched at his volume.

"Could you maybe quiet down a little?"

"Oh ya," he said, surprised, "Sorry about that." his voice was soft now as he walked closer to the bed I was in.

"What happened?" I asked as he sat at the foot of my bed, "Like at the festival? I remember being brought up to the stage and Techno joining us, but it's all pretty fuzzy."

"You and Tubbo were called out as traitors," Tommy let his head fall, "Shlatt called Techno to kill Tubbo. We don't know what he was planning for you cause everything kinda went to hell after Techno shot tubbo."

"Is he okay?" I panicked.

"Ya, he's fine," Tommy let out a sigh, "he's resting for now, but Nikki says he'll be fine."

"What was all the yelling about?"

"Techno and I had a fight," he huffed, "he's trying to justify nearly killing Tubbo with the fact that he was under 'immense amounts of peer pressure," he said using air quotes.

"Did Will blow everything up?"

"No, someone messed with the wiring apparently," Tommy replies, "He's upset."

I threw my legs over the side of the bed I was on and started to stand up.

"Hey hey hey," Tommy stood suddenly pushing me back down, "Nikki said you need to rest."

"Well, I have, and now I need to go walk a little," I stood, pushing him to the side lightly. I walked to the door before running into the doorframe, confused. That's when I noticed, although my vision was no longer blurry, everything looked slightly off. Tommy must have seen the struggle I had as he spoke.

"I did want to tell you," he looked down to his feet, "when Techno shot the fireworks at Tubbo, you were so close that it probably damaged your retinas, or at least that's what Nikki and Fundy told me. They said they wouldn't know more till you woke up."

"(Y/N)!" a familiar voice shouted as I turned to see Nikki, "What are you doing up? You need to rest."

"Well, I have rested, but I can't see correctly now."

"Sit down, sit down," she said, pushing me back to sitting on the bed before she turned to a desk in the room, grabbing some items. "Fundy! She's awake," Nikki called for the Fox man.

Fundy came running into the room panting shortly after, "Is she okay?"

"Her retina damage might be worse than we thought," Nikki turned to him.

"What do you mean?" his ears went backward as he spoke.

"I mean, she might be blind in one eye." The room went silent after she spoke. "(Y/N) I need you to be completely honest with me, okay?"

I nodded in response as she walked up, holding a book in front of half my face. Although I knew it only covered half my face, I could barely see.

"Can you see anything," she asked me.

"Not really," I hesitated to try to find the words, "I can see where the lights are and kinda where Fundy is. But not much."

Nikki walked out of the room as Fundy stood silent.

"Well, don't just stand there! what's wrong with her!" Tommy shouted.

"She has worse damage than we expected. There's still a chance she can heal, but it will be hard."

Nikki came back into the room holding a small scrap of fabric and a bottle of pink fluid.

"Okay (Y/N), we're going to use a healing potion as eye drops to try to help your vision," Nikki said, handing me the bottle with a dropper inside, "use them like their eye drops a few times a day."

"Are you sure this will work?"

"It's our best bet to help your vision," she sighed, "until then, we'll cover the eye to let it rest and hopefully repair the retina."

I took the dropper and dropped two drops of the potion into my eye, causing a sting. I hissed slightly at the sting. Nikki took my head and started to wrap it with the cloth she had brought in, covering my eye.

"There," She said once finishing the makeshift bandage, "all better?"

"Ya, all better."

Word count- 747

An- ayeee partly blind! I nearly forgot to post... it's finals week everyone's a little stressed here at the college but it's fine we're gonna be just great

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