3- speeches

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We took our seats in the crowd in front of the stage as Wilbur walked off to the stage.

On the stage stood Tommy, Wilbur, and a new face with black hair tucked into a beanie. He was wearing a suit, the tie sloppy tied around his collar as he stood confidently on the stage.

Wilbur was the first to speak, welcoming everyone then going on with his endorsement, he talked of how he had worked in the fight for freedom of L'Manberg and why he should continue to be president. When they welcomed the man they chose as their endorsement a man lazily walked onto the stage. He was in a suit with a bright red tie. His head was also adorned with large ram horns as well as little ram ears, showing he was a hybrid like Fundy and me. He wore a small gold chain that matched golden chains that hung on his horns.

(Ya I was never going to get the motivation to find and write all this out but if your reading this you should know what happens ok... so time skip)

By the time the speeches had ended Wilbur and Tommy not only had one party to run against, but now three. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about the election. I was sure that Wilbur would win, why wouldn't he. Wilbur had brought us through trial and tribulation, this was just one more trial that he would bring us through- right.

"(Y/N)?" Sapnap's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Yes," I looked towards him, surprised a bit, ears perked up, making him smile a bit.

"You zoned out," he stated, "you good?"

"Ya, just uh- just a bit worried."

"About what?"

"The whole election. I mean surely Wilbur will win but- I don't know it's just worrying now that there's more competition," I stated, my ears lowering making it nearly impossible to hide my fear, "By the way where is George, isn't he the other man's running mate?"

"Ya," Sapnap sighed, "I don't know where he is, probably sleeping somewhere."

I let out a soft giggle making Sapnap join me. We walked over to a smallish tent that had a table and a box at the end of it. On the table layed a stack of ballots for voting. We both grabbed one and filled it out. I wasn't able to see Sapnap's but I could only assume he voted for George's party. I filled mine out, voting for Wilbur and Tommy.

We dropped them in the box at the end of the table before heading out as the sun was beginning to set and Dream would be upset if we were late getting back home.

(word count: 450)

An- sorry for the wait for a short chapter... I have been struggling to get motivation recently and needed to get the speeches for this chapter... I realized that motivation is just never going to come so take a short chapter with a double upload for today

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