4- the election

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(TW: Violence/blood)

I was woken up the next morning by Sapnap knocking on my door.

"Yes?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

Sapnap walked in, I rolled over before pulling the sheets back over my head groning.

"Oh come on," he laughed at my response, "Time to get up, kitten!" He pulled the covers off me causing me to shiver from the soft sheets leaving my body.

"Fine fine," I laughed before standing up and walking over to grab my uniform to get changed. I walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me and pulling off the large hoodie I wore to sleep.

"Are you excited to see the results of the election?" Sapnap asked through the door.

"I guess," I huffed while pulling the white button down on buttoning the string of buttons down the front, "I mean Wilbur's going to win, how would he lose?"

"You're right I guess," Sapnap laughed at my confidence, "I don't know why or how he'd lose with all he's done for you guys."

"I know!" I said excitedly pushing open the door holding my jacket in my arms, fully dressed in the full L'Manberg uniform.

"Ready to go now?"

"Yup!" my tail swayed behind me as I pulled the long navy coat on buttoning the front closed.

We made our way out of the large castle, not seeing anyone occupying it, onto the wooden path leading to L'Manberg.

"Where is everyone?" I was curious as to where Dream and the others were.

"I don't know, maybe they're at L'Manberg to see the results."

We came up upon the familiar large blackstone walls and made our way inside seeing the city buzzing with people. By the stage stood George, Sapnap, Niki, Fundy, Wilbur, Tommy, and Shlatt. Tommy stood confidently talking to Wilbur as the others stood with their running mates. Shlatt stood alone, looking confidently over the crowd. I wouldn't be lying to say that he was a very intimidating figure.

I looked to Sapnap for permission to go talk to the others.

"You go ahead and talk to them for a bit, I'll get us some seats."

"Thank you!" I gave him a short hug before running off to see Fundy and Niki. I had not seen Niki since before the war as she left to not get caught up in it.

"Niki! Fundy!" I waved to them as I ran up to the two.

"(Y/N)!" Fundy and I collided in a strong and protective hug, "I heard that you came yesterday! I didn't see you though?"

"We had to leave before Dream would get upset."

"(Y/N) you're ok!" Niki said as Fundy let me go from the hug, keeping his hands on my shoulders.

"Ya! Dream has allowed me to come to see the election events and Sapnap and I are planning an escape!"

"Really? When?" Fundy asked, shaking me slightly.

"We don't know when," I giggled slightly.

"What do you mean?" Niki asked.

"We're waiting for the right time, that could be today or a month from now it just depends on Dream."

"Well hopefully it's soon," Fundy pulled me back into another hug, this time it was softer, "We miss you."

"I miss you guys too." By now Wilbur and the others were heading to the stage.

Pawprints: The ElectionWhere stories live. Discover now