chapter five (the note)

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The house feels empty when I come home.

His shoes are moved from in front of the door. He took the air fryer and the minecraft cups we bought as a joke.

I walk into his room. It's not really his room, but he kept a lot of his clothes in there. Plus, that's where he spent most of his time editing, streaming and doing school.

My breath catches as I see it completely bare.

The sheets are gone from the bed because they were his from when he lived in here. The PC is gone, along with everything on the dresser. The closet is completely empty.

It's almost as if he was never here.

I back out of the room slowly, one step at a time. I can't be in here.

I close the door with no intentions of going back in any time soon.

I sit on the couch for a few minutes.

The whole house is as if he was never there. It's all the sudden just my apartment now, no longer a home.

A red color catches my eye. Alex's blanket.

I scramble to grab it. I put it on top of me. I inhale the scent.

It's his blanket, but I always used it more. It was my favorite. We used to get into arguments over who hogged the special blanket more.

I want to believe that he left it here just for me. I don't want to think that he forgot. I want to think it was purposely forgotten to help me cope through my loss.

I snuggle into the blanket. Tears stream down my face as I think of how silent the apartment is. I used to hear typing, screaming, laughing or something. Now I hear the deafening sound of quiet. I don't even have street noise.

I miss him.

In all my anger, in all my hurt, I still miss him. I want him to hug me. I want him tell me everything will turn out alright. I want him to make me feel okay. I just want him to be here.

But I also don't.

We broke up for a reason, and neither of us seemed to want to change very much. We were too focused on our careers and not the relationship. The effort and love just wasn't there like it used to.

Although I want to be what we used to be, I also know that people change. Neither of us are the same people we were when I raided him. We've grown and changed throughout the years. That's what your supposed to do, even in relationships. We just needed to grow with each other.

So, yes, I miss him and I want him to be here, but I also don't for the sake of both of us moving on.

I just don't want to be alone.

I fall asleep after a while. It's sunset when I wake up. I look out the window of my living room. I watch all the pinks and oranges swirl together in harmony. It's beautiful.

How can something be so beautiful when I feel so terrible?

My phone is dead when I try to use it. I put it on the charger and go to the fridge to make some chicken nuggets.

I open the door to grab the food. My heart stops. There on the middle shelf is a note with my name on it.

I hesitantly pick it up and bring it over to the couch. I snuggle into his blanket. I want to picture him telling me whatever this notes has to say. I open it slowly.


I hope you find this note. I'm not sure where i'm going to put it yet. I'm trying to imagine where you would see it at the apartment, and my mind just blanks. Obviously you found it if you're reading it, which is great.

I think we should have a clean break. I don't think we should tell the fans yet about the break up until we're both over it completely.

I know we can't ignore each other on streams, but I know that I'm personally going to take a small break to think some things through. I hope that you can understand that.

I have told some people in our group what happened, so you wouldn't have to. I know they will all be there for you.

I have a place to stay, so please don't worry about me.

I'm sorry things ended the way they did. I wish you all the best things in the world because you truly deserve each and every one.


Alex Quackity

Ps i left the red blanket. I know you love it more than I did. You can throw it away if you don't want it.

I snuggle further into the blanket. I reread every part of the letter over and over again.

I notice all the little details and I annotate them.

His name is smudges where he signed it. Could he have been crying?

He said he had a place to stay, but didn't say where it is. Does tha mean he doesn't want me to go find him or know where he is?

He specifically said that the people in our group will be there for me, but doesn't say he will. Does that mean he doesn't even want to be friends?

I read the note more times than I should've. I read it until I feel tears streaming down my face.

There's a knock on the door that interrupts me. I wipe my eyes before tucking the note away in a book. I'll come back to that later.

I walk over to the door and open it.

I run into their arms, "What are you doing here?"

author's note:

put your guesses in now for who it is :)

come back tomorrow to see if you're right!

word count: 958

After the Raid War (SEQUEL) / Quackity x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now